Hi, the Magefan customers and welcome to the newbies of our Magefan blog,
Today we're happy to share our latest developments we've been working on all February 2024.
So, here is what we'd like to share with you!
New features of Magento 2 Blog Extension!
- Added the co-authoring feature. Now you can select multiple authors for the same post. (Blog Extra).
- Added option to create automatic 301 redirects on a blog post, category, tag URL Key change (Blog Plus & Extra)
- Ability to reply to a blog comment directly from the admin panel.
- Added option to set a description for the blog homepage.
- Added option to set average reading time for a post.
- Added an option to add custom CSS in the blog settings (in the admin panel).
- Added NewsArticle rich snippet in addition to Blog Posting. Now there is a new "Rich Snippet / Structured Data" option for each post.
- Improved Author Rich Snippet on the author page (Blog Extra).
- Included the blog post featured image and gallery images to the XML Sitemap.
- Option to include blog authors and tags to the XML Sitemap (Blog Plus & Extra).
- Improvements for the GraphQl requests.
- Created REST API Postman examples.
- Updated Twitter share button to "X".
- Option to display blog-related products in the sidebar.
- New Carousel Slider template for related blog posts block (Blog Extra).
- Improved compatibility with Magento 2 WebP Images Extension.
- Minor code Improvements.
- Do not see all authors in the author select box on the blog post edit page in the admin panel. (Blog Basic and Plus v2.11.1 only).
The latest available version is v 2.11.2
New features of Shopify Blog App!
Features (January-February):
- Added blog index page description field.
- Improved import from Magento 2 and WordPress. It now works with dev stores with password protection.
- Changed backend config labels for templates and design settings.
- Improved UI for related posts and products in the backend.
- Enabled the "Include in the sidebar" option by default for newly created categories.
- Storefront speed improvements.
- Grids in the admin panel "remember" the sort by option.
- Added the "Export to Magefan Blog" button in the default Shopify blog post (More actions).
- Added blog sitemap link in the "XML Sitemap" config section.
- Added the ability to reply to blog comments from the admin panel.
- Added the search engine preview for metadata.
- Changed category input in the admin panel to select box tree and added category search by name.
- Now import from WordPress or Magento to Shopify Blog doesn't need the "shop", only the import key.
- Mobile optimization for blog management buttons in the admin panel.
- Added an option to fix the issue when the font size in the blog is too big.
New features of Magento 2 POS | Point of Sale System!
- Added support for RTL (Right-to-Left) locales.
- Added Hebrew localization.
- Resolved the issue where assigning a customer to a cart caused the "The current user cannot perform operations on the cart" error in certain cases (POS Plus & Extra).
- Fixed CSP (Content Security Policy) violation when trying to connect to the Stripe terminal (POS Extra).
The latest available version is v 2.3.5
New features of Magento 2 Google Tag Manager!
- Added option to exclude shipping and tax amount from purchase event value
- Improved untracked purchase detection. (GTM Extra)
- Minor code improvements
- Fixed the issue with dataLayer JavaScript code displaying on the page, related to some custom JS sliders.
- Magento JavaScript customer data sections list is empty (GTM Plus).
- Transaction duplication if Web Container and Server Container or Measurement Protocol is enabled (GTM Extra).
- Compatibility issues with PHP7.1 (GTM Extra).
The latest available version is v 2.5.1
New features of the Magento 2 SEO Extension!
- Improved Rich Snippet and HTML Sitemap (SEO Plus and Extra).
- Improved Hreflang Tags, OG Tags and Twitter Cards (SEO Plus and Extra).
- Improved crosslinks generation (SEO Extra).
- Minor code improvements.
- Custom H1 Title tag value is not displayed (SEO Basic and Plus).
- Error while creating a configurable product in the admin panel on some Magento Instances.
- Fixed an issue with the SEO Rules preview that does not work correctly when the multi-select attribute is used in conditions. (SEO Extra)
The latest available version is 2.4.1
New features of Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployment!
- Added new parameters to the bin/magento magefan:zero-downtime:deploy command — -g and -c — which define whether to use pull from Git during deployment and to run composer commands. Read more about these parameters.
The latest version available is v 2.0.20
New features of Magento 2 Google Shopping Feed!
- Improved compatibility with the Hyva theme.
- Improved compatibility with the page builder.
- Added improvement for the MSI compatibility.
- Product Type now includes a product category.
- Added the g:item_group_id tag to the feed.
The latest version available is v 2.1.4
New features of Magento 2 Theme Optimized!
- Fixed error during deployment: call_user_func(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, class "Magefan\ThemeOptimized\Setup\Patch\Data\Theme_v_2_0_2" not found.
- Updated the version of modules included in the theme.
The latest version available is v 2.0.5
New features of Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension!
- Improved current category detection for product breadcrumbs rich snippet.
- Set "300" as the default value duration for the video snippet.
- Improved configurable product snippet. Now the child product URLs lead directly to the configurable product page with predefined options.
The latest version available is v 2.0.11
New features of Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension!
- Use product SKU instead of cart item SKU for the shopping cart pixels.
- Minor code improvements.
- Fixed the issue with dataLayer JavaScript code displaying on the page, related to some custom JS sliders.
- Fixed error TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Magefan\FacebookPixelExtra\Model\Pixel\CompleteRegistration::get() must be an instance of Magento\Customer\Model\Data\Customer, instance of Magento\Customer\Model\Customer\Interceptor given (Pixel Extra).
- Fixed an issue when the Magento JavaScript customer data sections list is empty (Pixel Plus and Extra).
The latest version available is v 2.6.1
New features of Magento 2 Image Lazy Load!
- Added the "Exclude From Lazy Load" option for page builder images for cases when the image should be visible immediately.
- Added Image Lazy load to Page Builder Slider (works for sliders that are not in the ViewPort during page load).
The latest version available is v 2.1.4
New features of Magento 2 Alternate Hreflang Extension!
- Improved CMS page alternate hreflang generation.
- Minor code improvements.
The latest version available is v 2.2.5
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