Magento 2 User Guide
WordPress is a well-known platform for creating and managing blogs. Many Magento store owners actually benefit from the WordPress blog as it brings lots of perks. While it's a convenient strategy for many, the Magento WordPress integration is a must.
It allows you to take the best from both platforms and create an eCommerce store alongside an efficient blog. No need to jump between the platforms. Wondering how to pull off the whole thing? That's what you'll learn today.
In this guide, you'll find steps to integrate WordPress with Magento and learn the benefits of doing so.
Shall we start?
How to Integrate WordPress with Magento?
The WordPress Magento integration requires quite a few steps. Firstly, you need to install the WordPress package itself, then get the integration module, and set up your WordPress for smooth integration.
But let's go through all the steps in order and see what exactly you have to do.
1. Install WordPress
To begin with, navigate to the website
When you decide to jump on the eCommerce bandwagon, one of the most important decisions to make is to choose what platform to manage your store on. Why? Since the platform you choose directly defines the management costs, the number of integrations you'll need, and the complexity of scaling up. The choice won't come easy with the number of options available. But Magento vs Shopify will pop up the most often.
Shopify is a more beginner-friendly, hosted platform with a set pricing and easy drag-and-drop interface. At the same time, Magento provides more flexibility and customization options along with plenty of free integrations.
So, if you've been struggling to choose between Shopify or Magento, you're in the right place. We'll dive deeper into all vital eCommerce store features of both platforms to make the Magento vs Shopify choice easier for you.
Ready to start?
What is Magento?
Magento is a self-hosted open-source platform that was first launched in 2008 and became one of the most
When creating content for your store, you certainly want to make it user-friendly and easy to browse through. The visual appeal is as critical as the content. Thus, to liven things up you may need to add a block of products here or there or display some other dynamic info.
Usually, you would need to dive into code to achieve this. But not in Magento 2 which offers you widgets instead.
Today, you'll explore Magento widgets in more detail and learn key features that will help you use them to the fullest.
What are Magento Widgets?
Magento widgets are pieces of code which allow you to place content in a specific place in your store. Widgets can feature various types of content from dynamic product blocks and CMS blocks to images, videos, text and other elements. In Magento, you can add widgets via the admin panel by setting specific display options.
Widgets are incredibly flexible, highly functional and easy to manage. You can place them at any block reference in your store and use them for
A blog is an invaluable asset to any online store. Not only do you establish yourself as an expert in some niche but you also create a free source of organic traffic. Once you create keyword-specific content you'll start getting traffic. But making it more targeted requires more than that.
When it comes to blogs, schema markup is one of the best ways to achieve that. Today you'll learn what the blog schema markup is and why you should use it.
Besides, we'll cover how to implement it in Magento and Shopify blogs to achieve ultimate results.
Ready to get started?
What is Blog Schema Markup?
Blog schema markup is a snippet of code that specifies the key components of your blog post. The main elements of the schema include the post type, title, publication date, author, description, featured image, etc. The schema markup tells search engines what type of content you post and what components it is made of.
Thus, schema markup for posts tells search engines that this is not a regular website
While your store URLs constantly undergo different changes one thing often gets overlooked — URL rewrites. When you change the page location or start using higher-value keywords according to the Magento SEO checklist you need to direct visitors to a new URL.
That's exactly what you need the Magento 2 URL rewrites for. Today you'll learn everything about the topic and discover how to automatically handle URL rewrites in Magento.
What is Magento URL Rewrite?
Magento URL rewrite is a default SEO tool that allows you to change any product, category and CMS page URL and redirect visitors from all old URLs to new ones. It's also a great way to customize page URLs with keywords to make them more SEO-friendly but not lose any traffic or potential of the old URL.
There are two types of Magento URL rewrites that are different in the number of rewrites you can create at once.
Single URL rewrite
Single URL rewrite refers to the process of creating a rewrite for a specific page. It helps you to make
Days, when you had to translate products and categories in Magento one by one manually, are gone. The
makes things a lot easier. You can add translations through one simple form or review all of them via the translations grid.But there's more. Thanks to the Google Translation API, you can now add translations for products and categories automatically.
So let's explore all the options you have once you set up Google Translation API for Magento.
Translate Attributes
Just navigate to any product or category you want to translate and find attributes that have the "Translate" link under. Click on it to open the standard translation popup.
The fields you can translate through Google are marked with the Google Translation logo. Just hit the logo or the Auto Translate button at the bottom of the popup to translate an attribute to all languages automatically.
Don't forget to Save a product once you review the translations.
Note: none of the auto translations
As one of the best eCommerce platforms, Magento has a very elaborate functionality for managing product prices. While you can set the base price and special prices, they can vary depending on different conditions. Customer group, purchased quantity and cart total are just a tiny part of the calculation logic.
Today we'll break down the Magento 2 product pricing for you. From the basics and currencies to the advanced cart price rules and more.
We've got a lot to cover. So let's get right to it.
The Basics
By default, prices are shared globally on your Magento instance. It means that if you have multiple stores (websites) the same price is displayed in all of them. To change that navigate to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Price and change the Catalog Price Scope to Website.
Then, you need to go to the General section > Currency Setup > Currency Options. Switch the store and set the Default Display Currency for each website.
Note: switching to a Website doesn't mean you
Customer segmentation helps merchants and marketers discover behaviour patterns, improve shopping experience and cater to customers' unique needs. However, once you create customer groups in Magento, you might discover that restricting certain content from different customer groups benefits as well.
Thus, in this guide, you'll learn about Magento 2 customer restrictions and how to impose them on different sections of your store. This allows you to take customer experience to an entirely new level and improve sales correspondingly.
Should we start?
Restrictions for CMS Pages and Blocks
Different customers have different needs. To cover all of them, you need to provide personalized content, which is realised through CMS blocks and pages in Magento.
Thus, if you use certain pages or blocks to promote loyalty programs, share some news or for any other purpose, you can restrict them for different customer groups.
For that, you need to create CMS display rules and specify what customer
When setting up a product catalogue, you pay special attention to the pricing. You operate regular prices as well as sales, discounts, and special offers that make your items more attractive.
As a Magento 2 user, you have many options for the effective management of the entire catalogue. However, there's also the advanced pricing option that helps you apply discounts at the product level.
If you haven't used this option yet, we've got you covered. In this guide, you'll learn what Magento 2 advanced pricing is and how you can configure it.
Let's cut to the chase!
What is Advanced Pricing in Magento 2?
Magento 2 advanced pricing is the functionality that enables you to manage prices and special offers for individual products. Using the options Magento offers, such as catalog price rules, for instance, you can handle catalogue discounts in bulk. But to highlight a particular product, you need to apply the Magento advanced pricing.
In terms of product types, you can apply advanced pricing
Millions of people go through millions of pages they find on Google daily. If you want your Magento website to be within that number and get discovered by potential customers, you need to get into the Google index. Otherwise, your chances of getting organic traffic range from zero to none, which is basically the same thing.
To get Google to index your website you need to know how the index works and how to submit a page to Google. So, today we'll cover this along with the most common reasons why Google doesn't index your website and how to fix that.
Don't get overwhelmed just yet. It is actually not that hard to grasp the concepts of the Google indexing process. We promise.
Warning: we'll start from the basics. So if you've already generated a sitemap for your Magento store, just move to the other sections.
How Google Finds Your Content?
Before you learn how to get Google to index your website, you need to know how the index works in the first place. The process comes down to 4 steps,
The Magento team regularly releases new versions with stunning features, fixes and security improvements. It's meant to secure your store from security threats, boost functionality and improve performance. But it won't work for you, unless you update Magento 2 timely.
Some delay the update out of fear of the complicated update process. Some want to avoid the expenses following the update. Some just don't see why they need to update if everything works fine. In any case, you put your store at risk, by running on an outdated version of Magento.
In this guide, we aim to get you one step closer to Magento 2 update. You'll go through the Magento 2 upgrade process step by step: from creating a backup to fixing the issues that might pop up after the update.
Why Do You Need to Update Magento 2?
Those of you who still doubt whether to update Magento 2 to the latest version, might need to skim through the following benefits.
- Improved performance — a new version of Magento is optimised
An effective store operation is quite a demanding job. It covers many tasks on various levels that require close attention. Yet, inventory is perhaps the most important thing you have to consider.
It’s crucial to have a clear picture of the products you sell and monitor their flow. Fortunately, you can always refer to Magento inventory management tools and use the extensive set of options it offers.
So, you've landed on the right page. Today, you'll learn more about inventory management for Magento and find useful tips that help to enhance your efforts.
General Inventory Configuration
For starters, it's essential to look into the stock configuration. Not only do these options help you to manage the inventory internally, but also improve the customer experience.
By using the "In Stock" and "Out of Stock" labels you establish indirect communication with your customers. You save them from the unnecessary hassle when the item turns out to be unavailable right before they're ready to purchase.
Magento 2 is an advanced eCommerce platform with an extensive set of options and features. Yet, one of its biggest perks is the Content Management System, or as it's better known, CMS.
Magento 2 CMS page is one of the elements used for distributing content. In Magento, you can create CMS pages for various purposes, translate them for different locales, or add CMS blocks for better engagement.
What's also important is that you can create Magento 2 CMS pages with no coding. Wonder how to do that?
Let's find this out!
Create Magento 2 CMS Pages
Follow these steps to create CMS page in Magento 2:
1. Navigate to Content > Elements > Pages and press the Add New Page button.
2. Enable the CMS page and give it a Title.
3. Provide CMS page Content and set Content Heading.
4. Fill out the Search Engine Optimization section of the Magento 2 CMS page.
If you want to preview how your page will look in search results, make sure metadata is optimized with the Magento SEO Extension.
5. Choose the Store
Magento 2 is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms a lot of merchants prefer because of the wide range of aspects it covers. Yet, one of its strongest sides is the variety of product types it allows to create. They may seem rather complicated at first.
So, if you are just getting to know Magento or want to refresh your knowledge of Magento 2 product types, keep reading.
In this article, you'll find concise, but informative definitions of 6 product types in Magento 2, review examples, and learn how to manage them easily.
Let's waste no time and see what Magento product types are about!
Magento Product Types
As we mentioned, Magento 2 offers 6 product types for you to opt for. All of them help to create a more diverse catalogue and give you more flexibility to implement your ideas. Let's have a look at each product type in particular to better understand its specifics.
Simple Product
A simple product is the most essential Magento product type. It is a physical product that has weight
Magento 2 is pretty straightforward when it comes to creating products. You can easily create any type of product via the admin panel by filling out the corresponding fields. But is it always efficient?
When you have to create a whole batch of products, doing it one by one won't be effective by any means. Thus, you'll need a more effort-friendly solution.
In such cases, you can resort to Magento import products. If you haven't imported products and product options in Magento 2 yet, we'll give you a hand.
Things to Know Before Magento Product Import
Before we start with the Magento 2 import products there are a few things you have to know.
Just like Magento export, Magento import works with the CSV file types. So you have to know how to work with them before you start the import.
The best way to do this?
Google Sheets for sure. The main benefit is it's completely free and you most likely already have a Google account to use it. Besides, Google Sheets don't break the CSV formatting
The management of the multi-language store in Magento is a responsible job. There are many areas to cover and a lot of things to take care of. The list can go on and on when you're aiming at the global market.
Yet, once you create the store views and translate the corresponding content, it's important to make users reach the right pages. That's when the Magento website switcher, or as it's also known a store switcher, comes into play.
But what are its benefits? When exactly do you need one and how to make it as efficient as possible? In this article, you'll find the answers to these and many more questions regarding the website switcher.
So, let's begin!
Why Do You Need Magento 2 Website Switcher?
Magento 2 has a hierarchy of websites, stores, and store views. Thus, if you have a similar structure, your goal might be to make your products available for a bigger audience and sell globally. However, your customers should be able to access your store in the right language.
Magento 2 has
When you add Magento FAQs to product pages shoppers receive high-quality information all gathered in one place and find the necessary details quickly. Correspondingly, they can make purchasing decisions faster, without having to contact support or find the details they need elsewhere.
Thus in this article, you'll learn how to add Magento FAQs to your product pages to make your content more luring and SEO-friendly at the same time.
Ready to start?
How to Add Magento FAQ to Product Page via Widgets?
You can simply add FAQs in the product description if you like. However, in this case, you're missing out on the opportunity to optimize your FAQs for SEO. So it's best to use the FAQ rich snippet.
Unfortunately, Magento 2 doesn't allow you to add it from the admin panel by default. But we won't drag you through long programming steps if we have something better — Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension. This tool allows you to add FAQs to any page, including product, in a matter of minutes.
Getting Google to crawl and index your pages the way you want is quite challenging. That's because people often confuse credibility and indexation, which are roughly not the same thing. Robots.txt and sitemap might already be too much to handle in the technical part of the Magento SEO guide. Then there are robots meta tags.
We'll get all of these straight in this guide. You'll learn what are robots meta tags in Magento, why they are important for SEO and how you can manage them properly.
Let's get right to it.
What are Robots Meta Tags?
Robots meta tags in an HTML code that tell search engine robots how to create, index and display the page content in search results. In other words, it tells web crawlers what they can and can't do on a certain page.
The mata tags robots are added in the <head> section of the pages and looks like this:
Since robots meta tags control how Google crawls and indexes your page, you need them to control:
- whether a page appears in search results
- whether
Content duplication is one of many SEO issues, mentioned in the Magento SEO guide. It is one of the main factors that could prevent your pages from being ranked properly. Nevertheless, there is an efficient solution — canonical tags.
Canonicals are used to indicate the main version of the page if you have some pages with similar/identical content and different URLs leading to them.
Thus, it's extremely important to add canonical tags to your store pages, content pages in particular. Why? You'll find out soon.
How Do Canonical Tags Work in Magento 2?
Magento provides canonical tags functionality out of the box. And you don't even have to edit code. All you need is to navigate to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization and enable canonicals right in the admin panel.
But there is a catch, as you might have noticed. By default, you can only add canonical tags to categories and products. That's a great opportunity as it is, but unfortunately, not always sufficient.
Many store owners falsely believe that the more pages they have on their website and Google indexing, the more traffic they receive. It is a common misconception that can even hurt your SEO. Especially if you don't follow the Magento SEO guide.
Thus, sometimes you might want to remove pages from Google indexing. Whether it's existing pages or future URLs, there is a certain process you should follow.
We've got you covered. You'll learn everything you need to remove Magento pages from the Google index here.
Why Do You Need To Remove Pages from Google Indexing?
There are multiple reasons why you might not want a page to appear in search results. Nonetheless, you should know about the most common ones.
Duplicate Content
One of the most common cases why you need to remove a page from the Google index is when you have several of them. It often happens if you have two similar pages, but one of them is used for a Google Ads campaign.
Although the Google Ads page's focus is on generating
Order processing in Magento consists of multiple stages. Each is marked by a specific order status that helps you to keep a record of all changes an order comes through.
Magento 2 provides various order statuses and states store managers can create and manage. However, customers might also be eager to learn about the stage their order is at. Fortunately, Magento covers that too.
You can make order status visible on the frontend in Magento with little to no effort. We'll show you how.
To make order visible on frontend in Magento:
1. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Order Status and press the Assign Status to State button.
2. Select the Order Status and the corresponding Order State you want to assign it to.
3. Decide whether you want to Use this Order Status As Default.
4. Most importantly, tick the Visible On Storefront checkbox to display order statuses in the accounts of your customers.
5. Save the Status Assignment and check the results on the storefront.
Making order statuses visible