
WordPress is a well-known platform for creating and managing blogs. Many Magento store owners actually benefit from the WordPress blog as it brings lots of perks. While it's a convenient strategy for many, the Magento WordPress integration is a must.

It allows you to take the best from both platforms and create an eCommerce store alongside an efficient blog. No need to jump between the platforms. Wondering how to pull off the whole thing? That's what you'll learn today.

In this guide, you'll find steps to integrate WordPress with Magento and learn the benefits of doing so.

Shall we start?

How to Integrate WordPress with Magento?

The WordPress Magento integration requires quite a few steps. Firstly, you need to install the WordPress package itself, then get the integration module, and set up your WordPress for smooth integration. 

But let's go through all the steps in order and see what exactly you have to do.

1. Install WordPress 

To begin with, navigate to the wordpress.org website and download the latest WordPress package.

Then, create the corresponding folder in the magento_root/pub of your Magento and unzip the downloaded archive there.

wordpress in the pub folder of magento

After that, open a browser and add /wordpress to your website name, e.g. https://mydomain.com/wordpress.

Fill out the database details in the form you'll see on your screen. Make sure you enter the accurate data and hit Submit once you are ready. 

database details for wordpress installation

Having done that, you'll need to specify some further details and click on the Run the Installation button. It will initiate the installation process.

running wordpress installation

Just like that, you are good to move to the next step.

2. Install the integration plugin

To complete the WordPress Magento integration, you also need to install the FishPig integration plugin.

For that, download the plugin archive, extract the files, and copy them to the app/code/FishPig folder of your Magento. Then, run the following commands:

php bin/magento module:enable FishPig_WordPress
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean

Moving on, navigate to the plugin in the Magento admin, enable it, and specify the required details.

integration module settings

Now, you also need to copy the FishPig theme located in the app/code/FishPig/WordPress/wptheme folder and paste it into the wordpress/wp-content/themes folder. 

fishhpig theme in the wordpress folder

Once these steps are completed, we can go on to the next part.

3. Configure and run the integration

We're almost done here, so let's take a few final steps to finish the WordPress Magento integration.

In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Settings > General and fill out the available fields. Don't forget to press the Save Settings button once you are ready.

wordpress general settings

Then, navigate to Appearance > Themes and find the FishPig theme we've worked with above. Set it as the theme for your WordPress blog and save the settings.

choosing wordpress theme

And that would be it! You can now go back to your Magento and see that the WordPress blog has been successfully integrated. 

results of the wordpress magento integration

At this point, you can finally get to the blogging part. There are no limitations: create an engaging blog, promote your products, and establish an expert voice in your niche. 

How to Import Your WordPress Blog to Magento?

The above method is the most common solution for those looking to integrate WordPress into Magento. Yet, it is quite complex and time-consuming. To say nothing of the fact it's quite technical.

However, there's another option with fewer steps and an overall easier process. It is the import tool of the Magento 2 Blog Extension.

This extension allows you to import the WordPress blog to Magento with little to no effort. All you have to do is specify the WordPress database details and copy your blog images to the Magento pub/media/magefan_blog directory.

wordpress blog import tool

Then, you just press the Start Import button. There's no need to install the additional plugins and themes. You need to fill out a couple of fields and the import tool will handle the rest.

A few simple steps are all it takes to integrate WordPress into Magento. Having completed them, you can benefit from the advanced Magefan Blog functionality and create a resourceful blog directly in your admin.

Magento WordPress Integration: Key Benefits

Both Magento and WordPress are feature-rich platforms that work perfectly well independently. Perhaps, you also manage a WordPress blog alongside your Magento 2 store.

So, what do you get from integrating these two platforms and managing them in one environment? Let's review some of the key benefits the Magento WordPress integration offers.

1. A single management environment

When managing your blog and store separately, the resources are scattered across different platforms. This makes it harder to synchronize the changes and apply them effectively.

A single environment allows you to keep your assets neat and organized. It ensures coordinated store and blog management, and consistent distribution of updates.

2. A powerful source of organic traffic

As an experienced store owner, you know that an active blog does make a difference. It allows you to share your knowledge and expertise, as well as helps you attract more potential customers.

Once you gain more traffic, you can use it to promote your services and convert readers into customers. These and many other reasons to prove that your store really needs a blog.

3. Easy order completion process

When promoting your products in a blog, you should offer an easy way for customers to purchase them. In the case of WordPress, you'd need to redirect your readers to your store which is located on a different platform.

This may be discouraging for many shoppers. The more they have to jump between the websites, the less reliable the purchase seems to be. So, it makes sense to manage your store and blog on the same platform and make the customer journey smoother.

benefits of magento wordpress integration

As you can see, integrating WordPress with Magento brings up numerous perks you can't ignore. Yet, before you get to the good part, you need to perform the integration using the tools we described above.

Or you can opt for the blog migration services to skip the technical hassle and concentrate on the content creation instead. No matter what you choose, Magento WordPress integration will be definitely worth your while.