Yearly Archives: 2018
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Blog Extension, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way Blog extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove these folders.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-blog*
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Login As Customer Extension, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-login-as-customer
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension Data (optional)
Attention! This will clean all login as customer log and extension configurations.
1. Just in case please make a full
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Auto Currency Switcher Extension, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way Auto Currency Switcher extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-auto-currency-switcher
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Auto Language Switcher Extension, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way Auto Language Switcher extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-auto-language-switcher
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Open Graph Extension, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way Facebook Open Graph extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-og-tags
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension Data (optional)
Attention! This will clean all open graph
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Convert Guest to Customer Extension , please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way Convert Guest to Customer extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-convert-guest-to-customer
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
If you need to update Magento 2 Blog Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Blog extension was installed with.
Attention! Before the update, we strongly recommend to create a backup of your Magento 2 files and database.
Update using composer
If the blog module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-blog folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-NAME
composer require magefan/module-NAME ^x.x.x
# replace NAME with:
# blog - for Basic plan
# blog-plus - for Plus plan
# blog-extra - for Extra plan
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
If you want to upgrade to the Plus or Extra, check this guide on how to upgrade Blog plan.
Update using archive and FTP
If the blog module was installed via FTP (check
If you need to update Magento 2 Login As Customer Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Login As Customer extension was installed with.
If you use Magento 2.4.x or greater please read this article first.
Update using composer
If the login as customer module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-login-as-customer folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-login-as-customer
composer require magefan/module-login-as-customer ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the login as customer module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/LoginAsCustomer
If you need to update Magento 2 Auto Currency Switcher Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Auto Currency Switcher extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the auto currency switcher module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-auto-currency-switcher folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-auto-currency-switcher
composer require magefan/module-auto-currency-switcher ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the auto currency switcher module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/AutoCurrencySwitcher
If you need to update Magento 2 Auto Language Switcher Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Auto Language Switcher extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the auto language switcher module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-auto-language-switcher folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-auto-language-switcher
composer require magefan/module-auto-language-switcher ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the auto language switcher module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/AutoLanguageSwitcher
If you need to update Magento 2 Open Graph Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Open Graph extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the open graph module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-og-tags folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-og-tags
composer require magefan/module-og-tags ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the open graph module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/OgTags folder exists), then follow these commands:
1. Download the latest version of open graph extension archive
If you need to update Magento 2 Convert Guest to Customer Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Convert Guest to Customer extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the convert guest to customer module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-convert-guest-to-customer folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-convert-guest-to-customer
composer require magefan/module-convert-guest-to-customer ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the convert guest to customer module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/GuestToCustomer
In order to change the locale of Magento 2 Admin Panel take the following steps:
1. Click on your user icon in the upper right corner and go to Account Settings.
2. Find the Interface Locale select box in the Account Information section, where choose the language you need. Note: the language of Magento 2 admin panel won't actually change unless you install and enable language packs you want to have.
Managing a blog in Magento 2 might not seem that hard at first. However, before being published blog posts goes through multiple stages: creation, editing, proofreading and publishing.
Sometimes multiple people work on one article. Correspondingly they have different roles and responsibilities.
So, in this article, you're going to learn more about blog access control list and how you can restrict users' access to different blog sections.
To configure the access rights for the blog admin pages:
1. Go to Admin Panel > System > User Roles.
In order to assign all products to the website please, go to your Magento 2 Admin panel > Catalog > Product and Select All products.
If you manage Blog in Magento 2 store you have the best place to promote your products. You can add product blocks in blog content or add related products at the bottom of the post.
You encourage people to view your catalog and purchase your products.
However, when you have a lot of blog posts it can be time-consuming to look for products and add them manually for each blog post. That is why there is a related product rule to help you out and here you will learn how to configure it.
Note: you can set up related product rules only if you use Blog Plus or Blog Extra.
To configure blog related product rule in Magento 2:
1. Go to Content > Blog > Posts and choose the blog posts you want to configure the related products rule for.
Blog is a great tool not only to drive traffic to a website but to boost brand awareness and promote your products. That's why the related blog products feature in Magento 2 Blog can really come in handy.
Although you can add related products for each post manually, it can be challenging if you have a lot of posts. You need auto-related blog products for this.
Note: you can configure auto-related products only if you use Blog Plus or Blog Extra.
To configure auto- related blog products in Magento:
1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Blog > Post View > Related Products and enable the Display Related Products option.
2. Set the Number of Products to display on the blog post page.
3. Enable Auto Related Related Products (Blog+). The system generates blog-related products automatically by the most frequently used words from your posts and products. Thus, it is based on the description and title.
4. In the Black Words For Auto Related field enter words you want to
Related posts are the best way to encourage your blog visitors to read more and stay on your website longer. While a few posts are not a problem, it's really time-consuming to add related posts to a blog that has a significant number of articles.
But don't worry,
has you covered. It offers you both manual and automatic options which we'll discuss in this guide.Note: before we start, note that auto-related blog posts are available only in the Blog Plus and Extra.
Enable Related Posts
Before you get to adding related content in the posts directly, you need to enable it in the post view settings. For that navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Blog > Post View and enable a corresponding option.
Additionally, you need to choose a Template for the related posts and set a Number of Posts to display.
Don't forget to Save the settings before moving to the next step.
Add Related Posts in Magento Blog
1. Navigate to Content > Blog > Posts and choose a post.
Transactional emails in Magento 2 are the primary communication channel you use to notify customers about their orders, shipments, refunds, and other details related to their accounts. Magento enables you to load and customize multiple default email templates and add some custom Magento email variables to personalize them.
That's why it is crucial for you to customize Magento email templates and adjust them to your business objectives.
In this guide correspondingly, you'll learn how to customize email templates in Magento 2.
Check out this short video on how to manage email templates in Magento 2 or follow the instruction below.
1. Load the Template
In order to manage the transactional emails in Magento 2 go to Admin Panel > Marketing > Communications > Email Templates.
Then, choose an email template you want to edit or you can add a new one by pressing the Add New Template button.
When you are adding a new template, please choose an email template you want to base it on in the
There are cases when you want to change page URLs or disable some page and avoid 404 error. Unless you create Magento 2 auto redirects, you need to create 301 redirects manually.
In order to add 301 redirect in Magento 2 take the following steps:
1. Go to Admin Panel > Marketing > SEO& Search > URL Rewrites.
Magento 2 HTML <head> is a place where you put any custom code to verify you're the website owner or add some custom integration with
, Google Analytics or any other tracking system. In this guide, you'll learn how to do that in a matter of a few clicks.Add Ownership Verification to Head
To add custom code to the HTML <head> in Magento:
1. Navigate to Admin Panel > Content > Configuration.
2. Choose the store view you want the head tag to be changed on or select Global to change it on every store view.
3. Find the HTML Head section and add your code in the Scripts and Style Sheets field.
Don't forget to press the Save button once you finish and flush cache.
Watch this short video to learn how to add custom code to the Magento <head> HTML tag.
Add Tracking Scripts to Head
If the code you add to the HTML head is for data tracking, you need to know that loading that script will influence your store performance. Thus, if you want to set up data tracking with