Transactional emails in Magento 2 are the primary communication channel you use to notify customers about their orders, shipments, refunds, and other details related to their accounts. Magento enables you to load and customize multiple default email templates and add some custom Magento email variables to personalize them. 

That's why it is crucial for you to customize Magento email templates and adjust them to your business objectives.

In this guide correspondingly, you'll learn how to customize email templates in Magento 2.

Check out this short video on how to manage email templates in Magento 2 or follow the instruction below.

1. Load the Template

In order to manage the transactional emails in Magento 2 go to Admin Panel > Marketing > Communications > Email Templates.

Magento 2 Transaction Email Template, Email Templates

Then, choose an email template you want to edit or you can add a new one by pressing the Add New Template button.

Magento 2 Transaction Email Template, Add New Template

When you are adding a new template, please choose an email template you want to base it on in the Template field and press Load Template button.

3. Fill in the Template Information

Set the name of the template in the Template Name field. Then change the Template Subject and Content as you wish.

Finally, add the Template Styles, but it is optional.

Magento 2 Transaction Email Template, Load Default Template Magento 2 Transaction Email Template, Template Content

Once you have finished with the configurations don't forget to press the Save Template button.

3. Assign Email Template

If you have created a new template you need to assign it in the store configurations. As far as we have created a New Order Template in this guide we go Admin Panel > Stores > Setting > Configuration > Sales > Sales Emails (your path can be different depending on the template).

Magento 2 Transaction Email Template, Configuration

Then you need to find a template select box you are interested in, remove the checkmark Use system value and choose the template from the list.

Magento 2 Transaction Email Template, New Order Confirmation Template

After all of the configurations have been performed press the Save Config button and flush Magento caches.

Finally, once you've created the email template and assigned it to the store configurations you need to customize the email logo.

In order to do this, go to Content > Design > Configuration and choose the configuration scope you want to customize the email logo for.

Magento 2 Content Design Configuration

After that, move to the Transactional Emails section and fill out the following fields.

  • Upload the Logo Image or Select from the Gallery of already uploaded images.
  • Set the Logo Image Alt.

Magento 2 Transactional Email Templates Design

  • Enter the Logo Width and Height. Note: it is necessary that you set these characteristics if you uploaded the logo and not selected it from the gallery.
  • Choose the Header and Footer Templates.

Magento 2 Transactional Logo Design

  • Once more, don't forget to Save Configuration when you finish.

In short, if you want to customize email templates in Magento 2 you need to take the following steps:

1st  Step: go to Marketing > Email Templates in order to edit or add a new email template.
2nd Step: go to Stores > Configuration > XYZ, find your template select box and change its value.
3nd Step: go to Content > Design > Configuration to customize the email logo.

Managing a global-scope website you need to create a language environment for the customers to feel comfortable in and communicate with them in their own language. This increases your credibility and improves their experience in your store. 

So, in case you already have or plan on creating a multi-language website, here is the guide on how to translate email templates in Magento 2.