Creating blog posts is not as easy as it sounds. Having a creative idea alone won't yield the expected results. That's why crafting compelling content requires researching, structuring and optimizing SEO.
But most importantly, it requires a tool that allows you to put all of these together —
.In this guide, you'll learn how easy it is to create blog posts in Magento and how to manage them to maintain an engaging blog. We'll cover multiple stages, from creating blog content to design and SEO.
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Note: before we start, note that some of the options described are available only in the Blog Plus and Extra.
Create Blog Posts in Magento
The main thing about your blog post is content, no doubt. But the category you add it to and display settings matter as well. Let's go through each of these steps to make the most of your blog post.
First navigate to Content > Blog > Posts and press the Add New Post button to start.
1. Fill out general information
Here you only need to set the post Title and assign it to a blog category. We recommend keeping the Enable button disabled till you are ready to publish your posts. You can preview your post at any time while creating it.
2. Create content and short content
Whether you use a page builder or a standard WYSIWYG editor you can create your post Content using rich tools. Remember to structure your post with the H tags, use post contents to improve navigation and add videos and images for engagement.
Next, you can define the Short Content that is displayed in the category or any other post list page, in case you choose a template with short content. Or you can leave this section empty for the extension to display the first N characters of the article as short content.
3. Fill out the display settings
This is a huge section that includes a variety of options.
Start with the Featured Image, Featured List Image and the Image Alt for both.
Then specify the post Publish Date. If the publish date is not set, the current date with be applied.
Pro tip: enable our blog post and set a future date to schedule your blog post. Although enabled, a post won't appear on the storefront till a specified date.
Set the End Date if you want to disable a blog post at a specific date automatically. The extension will automatically redirect people from a disabled post to the blog homepage.
Assign an Author to the blog post, and specify Co-authors if any.
Note: if you use the Base plan, the admin user is assigned the role of the blog author. However, in the Plus and Extra plans you can create author page will all the social media tags, description and related articles.
It's also important to connect your Magento 2 blog posts with Tags. Create blog tags so people can view related content on the tag page.
Decide whether to Include posts in Recent Posts. It defines whether your post will be displayed on the blog homepage. If you disable this option, a blog post will be available on category, tag, author and search pages, but not the blog homepage.
Although the Magento 2 Blog allows you to create and manage different kinds of Comments, you can enable/disable them for a particular blog post.
Set Position to define how high your blog post should be displayed on the blog category or list pages (only in case you sort posts by position on these pages).
Set the Views Count manually or just enable this option in the post view settings and the extension will calculate the views automatically.
Set the post Position in the post list. It is used in case you choose to sort posts by position on category blog index pages.
Specify the Reading Time (in minutes) to let your readers know how long it'll take them to go through your post.
Note: you can also enable the reading progress bar to help people track their reading progress.
If you create content targeted at different customer groups, limit the post's Visibility for Customer Groups.
4. Create media gallery
Upload photos for a post Media Gallery to extend the topic with pictures. It is displayed at the bottom of the post page on the storefront.
5. Configure post SEO
Consider this section as important as the post content since it defines how Google sees your post. Set the post URL Key which should be optimized with keywords.
Note: you define just the end of the post URL or URL slug. Other elements of the blog post URLs are defined by the permalink settings.
Specify the Meta Title, Description and Keywords. The first two define how your post is displayed on Google SERP.
Pro tip: keep the meta title within 50-60 characters, and the meta description — within 150-160. Use your target keyword within both.
Finally, choose the Rich Snippets / Structured Data: Article, NewsArticle, BlogPosting to help search crawlers understand your content better. It's BlogPosting by default. Then change the default Meta Robots if needed.
6. Add Open Graph tags
Don't expect social media to pull out the right information when you share your posts on social media. They rarely do. Use the open graph tags instead to define the Title, Description and Image displayed on social media.
7. Choose websites
Our Magento 2 Blog works for multi-websites. So you can define what Store Views to display a post on. This allows you to translate blog posts in Magento and localise your content.
8. Add related content
If you want to keep your readers engaged and promote some of your products to them, fill out the Related Posts and Products section. You can do that manually for every simple blog post.
However, if you don't want to spend time carefully choosing the related content, use the automatic options. Configure auto-related blog posts and products and let the extension do the rest.
9. Configure post design
This section is more technical and, thus not obligatory to fill out. It's where you can schedule a new design update or add some custom code to the post page HTML code.
Choose the Layout and the Layout Update XML for the design. Then specify the Date range (from - to), New Theme, Layout and Layout Update XML.
Don't forget to Save your blog post once you finish. But don't rush to publish it yet. Keep it disabled and do a preview to verify if the post looks exactly like you expect it to.
Generate Blog Posts Automatically with AI
While you have to fill out a lot of options before publishing your post, creating content still takes most of the time. That's why we've decided to facilitate this step for you too.
You can now generate Magento blog posts using AI. Just specify the post topic, set keywords and write a prompt. We'll do the rest within a few seconds.