Generating new content for your blog constantly allows you to keep visitors engaged and rank for more keywords in search. It is a vital strategy if you want to drive more people to your store and increase revenue correspondingly.
However, sometimes you just don't have enough time to create and post all of the content. To keep up with the schedule you have to log in to your admin panel and enable the blog posts you want to publish.
Today we'll fix that.
If you've created and edited some of the posts beforehand, you can schedule the publication, and our Magento 2 Blog will publish them automatically.
To schedule blog posts in Magento:
1. Navigate to Content > Blog > Posts and go to the blog post you'd like to schedule.
2. Scroll down to the Display Setting, find the Publish Date, and set the future date when you need a blog post to go live.
Note: if you need to disable the blog post after some time you can use the End Date. Our extension will not only disable the blog post at a set time but create a redirect to the blog homepage automatically. This feature is available for the Blog Extra users.
3. Scroll back to the top and Enable the blog post. Don't worry, it won't be visible on the frontend until a specified date. It is just required so that when that date comes, the Blog extension knows which blogs to publish.
Don't forget to Save Post and you're good to go. You can schedule the posts a week or a month ahead to suit your objectives and our Blog will take care of the rest.
In case you don't want to display the blog post publication date or just want to change the format, check blog date displaying guide.