Magento 2 blog categories are a great way to improve blog navigation and organize your posts according to different criteria. Creating categories in
, you improve customer experience and allow readers to find things they are interested in faster and more effectively.So, in this guide, you'll learn how to create blog categories and manage them.
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Note: before we start, note that some of the options described here are available only in the Blog Plus and Extra.
Create Blog Categories in Magento
We recommend creating categories before you create posts. However, you can also add a new category when creating blog posts. First, navigate to the Content > Blog > Categories and press the Add New Category button.
1. Fill out general information
Enable your category and enter a Title. Then assign a category to Parent Category, if any. Set the Position of the category in the sidebar and choose whether to Include a category in the top navigation Menu.
Additionally, you can set whether to Include a category in Sidebar Tree.
2. Create content
Add a category description or some other information about a category in the Content section.
3. Set bottom content
Similar to category content, this is a place where you can include FAQs or some additional information about a category.
4. Fill out the display settings
Select the category Display Mode to define the structure of the blog category. You can display Posts, Posts Links, Subcategories Links or Posts&Subcategories Links.
Then define how to sort blog posts within the category in the Posts Sort By field — Publish Date, End Date - Ascending, End Date - Descending, Position and Title.
Choose the Template for your blog category page and set how many Posts Per Page to display.
Note: if you don't set anything here, the extension will use the number from the post list settings.
Restrict blog category to certain customer groups with the Visible for Customer Groups option. Then upload the Category Image and set the Image Alt for it.
5. Choose store views
Assign a blog category to a certain Store View if you want to have different blog categories on different store views.
Note: if you want, you can translate blog categories to different languages.
6. Configure blog category SEO
The first thing here is to define the blog category URL Key.
Note: you define just the end of the category URL. Other elements of the blog category URLs are defined by the permalink settings.
Fill out the Meta Title, Description and Keywords which will be displayed in the search results (except keywords). Besides, change the default Meta Robots if necessary.
Pro tip: it's recommended to write meta titles no longer than 50-60 characters, and the meta description no longer than 150-160.
7. Add posts to category
In this section you can add posts to a category or remove them.
8. Configure design
That's a technical section of the blog category settings which you can just skip. Set the Layout of the blog category page and enter some custom layout XML in the Layout Update XML field.
Then configure the blog category Custom Design Update. Set the Date Range (from - to) within which a new design will be applied and specify the New Theme, New Layout and New Layout Update XML.
Don't forget to Save a new blog category and check it on the storefront.
Add Blog Category to Top Navigation Menu
Once you enable the Include in Menu option in the general section, your blog category will be included in the menu. But only after you add a blog link to the top navigation menu and configure the display of categories there.
Add Blog Category to Blog Sidebar
Adding a blog category to the sidebar is a bit different. Blog category is automatically added to the sidebar. But it depends on whether you've created a parent or a subcategory. So, make sure you've configured category tree levels in the blog sidebar properly.