Hello, dear friends, 

The first summer month is almost over and we are ready to share our most recent news and updates. 

Before we proceed we’d like to tell you some really exciting news! On July 12-13, you can join one of the greatest events of this summer - MageUnconference NL which will take place in the Netherlands, Utrecht.

And we are so happy to be among the sponsors of this great event. Follow the official Mage Unconference Twitter account to stay updated.

 So, let's move to the new features of Magefan extensions.

New features of the Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension!

We added compatibility with Hyva Theme. Added page speed optimization option. Added functionality which If enabled Facebook Pixel JavaScript will be loaded only after users first click, scroll, or mouse touch. Added an option to include product categories in the pixel data. We also added auto space trimming for config values. 

For Facebook Pixel Plus & Extra version, we added the following options: Product List on the category page, related/up-sell/cross-sell products (ViewCategory).
Also for Plus and Extra versions, we added tracking for creating an account, searches, Contact Us, Configurable Products options select.

In the last version, we fixed Magento 2.3.x JS error: sectionConfig.getSectionNames is not a function (Facebook Pixel Plus & Extra).

New features of the Magento 2 SEO Extension!

We added a new "Override Existing Attributes Values" with Yes/No option in SEO Rules.

In the recent version, we fixed an issue when the H1 title does not display proper values. Also, an issue when after editing SEO Rules on the grid the rule conditions become empty has been fixed.



New features of Magento 2 Google Tag Manager!

In the recent version, we removed the "Loader Type" option in the extension settings and added "Google Tag Manager Installation Method" instead. It will have two options to install GTM script just with the Public ID or with the BODY and HEAD scripts.

 Important! Users who used stape.io loader need to Generate Web GTM code and set it in "Head Script" and "Body Noscript". Cart and order items now have prices including tax in the data layer. We also dded customer group name to the data layer.

In the recent version, we added the full categories' path as one string to the products data layer. Improved json container export for Google Ads. 


New features of the Magento 2 Product Tabs Extension!

We added NEW options to this extension you might have seen in one of our recent emails. In the latest version, we added an option to change default Magento product tabs names from extension settings.

We also added an option to disable default Magento product tabs and the ability to configure the "Related Blog Posts" tab from the Magento 2 Blog extension.

Added a new option to tab settings - “Tab Label" which allows setting a tab name for the front end.


New features of the Magento 2 Extended Product Grid!

We improved Salable Quantity (MSI) filter — allowed to filter by qty range.

We also improved Mass Special Price Updates and added PHP8.2 compatibility.





New features of Magento 2 Automatic Related Products!

We updated the magefan/module-dynamic-product-attributes package from v2.0.4 to v2.0.6.

In the last version, we fixed the error on PHP8.2 Deprecated Functionality: creation of dynamic property Magefan\AutoRelatedProduct\Model\RuleManager::$_itemCollection is deprecated.



New features of Magento 2 Point of Sale (POS)!


We improved customer search by allowing the selection of specific customer attributes in the POS Plus version. We resolved an issue where products with 0 quantity and "Manage Stock" set to "No" couldn't be added to the cart.





 New features of the Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployment!


We added new the "Instance Files And Folders" option (Copy To Temporary Instance / Copy From Temporary Instance) that allows you to add custom files to your infrastructure.

Also in the last version, we fixed the Webhooks from Bitbucket that do not work.



New features of the Magento 2 Image Lazy Load!

We added an option that allows defining how many first images from the block should be skipped from lazy loading.  We also fixed the PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected')' in ConvertConfigToJsonPatch.php on line 107 (only in v2.0.21on PHP7.2 or lower).




New features of the Magento 2 Rocket JavaScript / Deferred JavaScript!

 Added new option "Ignore Deferred JavaScript With" to the extension settings to define which JS should be ignored and not moved to the bottom of the page.





Stay tuned to be aware of the latest news and updates. Sign up for the newsletter.