How to Disable Blog Posts in Shopify Automatically?

Keeping your blog posts relevant is as crucial as publishing new content. Thus, you might need to disable some of your season-specific posts occasionally. Is doing it manually one by one a smart decision? Probably not.

Fortunately, the Shopify Blog App has this covered. It allows you to disable blog posts automatically and saves your time greatly.

Note: this feature is available for the Pro plan users.

To disable blog posts in Shopify automatically:

1. Go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Posts and choose a corresponding blog post.

2. Find the Publishing section and specify the End Date for the publication to be disabled.

3. Save your settings and that's it.

auto disable blog posts in shopify

Just like that, your Shopify blog post will be disabled automatically when the time comes.

The best part is, you don't have to do anything else since the app creates automatic 301 redirects from disabled or deleted entities.

To go even further you can schedule your blog posts to be published at a specified time. This way you concentrate on other important duties while the app handles the publishing.