How to Create Blog URL Redirects in Shopify?

Whether you disable, delete or change Shopify Blog URLs, you don't want readers to end up on the 404 pages. This badly influences your visitors' experience and makes your Shopify blog SEO efforts go in vain. Not the best scenario. 

Thus, to avoid this, you need to create blog URL redirects in Shopify. So, today you'll learn how to create URL redirects for the Shopify Blog App by Magefan.

Auto Redirects for Disabled/Deleted Entities

Whenever you disable or remove some blog posts, categories, tags and authors, the Magefan Blog app creates automatic redirects. Here's how readers are redirected based on a page they try to access:

  • Blog post > category > root category > blog homepage
  • Blog category > parent category > root category > blog homepage
  • Blog author > blog homepage
  • Blog tag > blog homepage

You don't need to enable or create anything since redirects from disabled or deleted blog entities are enabled automatically.

Auto Redirects on Blog URL Change

The other case when you need to create blog URL redirects is when you change the URL of any blog page. For that navigate to the blog page via Apps > Magefan Blog (blog posts in our case). 

Then scroll down to the Search engine listing section and change the URL. Tick the Create Permanent Redirect for the old URL box once you finish and Save the page. 

shopify blog redirects

This will create the URL redirect for the Shopify blog page and save it in Shopify redirects automatically. No need for any extra steps. 

Create Redirects for Blog Manually

Since the Magefan Blog App is compatible with Shopify redirects, you can create redirects for the blog there too. 

Navigate to Sales channels > Online Store > Navigation and click on the View URL redirects button. Here you can view all the Shopify redirects and create new ones.

create url redirects shopify

Click on the Create URL redirect button.

shopify url rewrites

Then specify the Redirect from and Redirect to links.

url redirects shopify store

Don't forget to Save the redirect once you finish. Now you know how to create redirects for the Shopify blog so your readers won't land on 404 pages. However, in most cases, Magefan Shopify Blog will do everything for you. 

Still, if you want to change the Shopify blog URL structure you'll need to manually redirect readers to new URLs.

e.g. when you decide to add a category path to a blog post URL or remove it from there. 
