Did you know 79% of consumers rely on online reviews as much as on personal recommendations?

Ratings and reviews are some of the main things customers pay attention to when browsing through your catalog. They can either boost or discourage customers from purchasing.

Today we'll show you how you can use this to your benefit with the "Most rated" product category and Magento 2 Dynamic Category Extension.

So, the first question that pops up in your head — why do you need this?

Your customers won't need to scroll through the endless catalog pages comparing reviews and ratings on different products. You will have the most popular products stored for them in one place.

Besides, people are social creatures that heavily rely on the opinion of others. You should leverage that to boost conversions and encourage people to buy what others like

Without any further ado let's get the process going. 

Step 1: Create Most Rated Category

The first thing you need is to create category in Magento admin just as you created any other category on your store.

Most Rated Category in Magento 2

We call it "Most Rated" since we're going to put products with the highest rating and reviews there. 

However, you can choose any other name you like, as long as it drives customers' attention.

That was easy, wasn't it?

Step 2: Set Up Dynamic Category Rule

The next step is to create dynamic category rule that will automatically add products into the "Most Rated" category. 

First of all, go to Catalog > Dynamic Category > Rules and press the Add New Rule button.

Manage Dynamic Category Rule

Here is where it all starts. Enable the Rule, set the Rule Name, enter Description for your reference, Priority and set the Type.

Most Rated Dynamic Category

The Categories option is self-explanatory. It defines the categories you create the dynamic rule for. In our case, it is the "Most Rated" category where we want to add the most popular products.

Most Rated Products Category

Now you're halfway through the configuration.

Choose the Website for the dynamic category rule. Since our category is assigned to the Main Website, we set the same for our rule.

Then specify how you want "Most Rated" category rule to be Applied By.

The next options could be confusing, but you have to set them up correctly. 

  • Remove Products from Other Categories option defines if you want to remove products that will be added to the "Most Rated" category from other categories.  Since you create this category to improve customers' experience and not alter your current catalog setup, it's best to keep this option disabled.
  • The Remove Other Products from Category option is also disabled since we've just created our "Most Rated" category and no products are there yet. 

We are not using any Products from Catalog Price Rules, since our category is based on reviews, not discounts. So this option is best if you want to create sale category.

Dynamic Category Configuration Options

The final and most important step here is to define Conditions on which products in our "Most Rated" category will be based.

All conditions are based on product attributes, but the one we're interested in, in particular, is Score rating and Reviews rating

You can add any number of reviews and rating scores based on the data from your store.

Product Reviews Magento 2

Additionally, you can set the sorting for the products within your category. Simply sort what product attributes to Sort Product In Category By and specify the Direction

sort products in magento categories

Before you finish you can preview products to see if the conditions are set up correctly and press Save and Continue Edit

To add products to the "Most Rated" category immediately also press Save and Apply. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait for the cron to run and update the category. 

Preview Products in Category Magento

When we go to the storefront to check it, the "Most Rated" category contains all the products added according to the rule. 

Product Category Based on Reviews

Note: we have this category set up on the Dynamic Category live demo, so you can check the Most Rated rule on the backend. 

Though all of the products are still placed within other categories, them being in the "Most Rated" one increases the likelihood of the purchase.

And it took us what, 5 minutes to set up?

Dynamic Categories significantly improve categories management since you can rearrange products based on multiple product attributes. You can arrange products based only on color, brand, cuisine, season, discounts, date, size, and many other options. 

The easier it is to find products in your store, the more likely customers are going to find them.

Moreover, it is much easier for you to add and remove products from categories. You can literally spend just a few minutes on this. 

Do you know any faster way?