Hello there, Magento fans!
Are you eager to learn about some news and updates we've have prepared for you in March?
Quite a lot of new features have been implemented to the Magento 2 Blog this month.
There was added the automatic page cache cleanup for product pages with related blog posts that were changed. Blog Post Related Products now use the default catalog related products template and Blog AMP related product template was improved (Magento 2 Blog AMP v2.0.2 is released). In addition to auto 301 redirect to non-slash URLs there was added an option to 301 redirect to blog URL with "/".
Those who are using the Blog v2.9.2 and noticed that blog tags disappear after you resave the blog post be sure that was fixed together with the Invalid input date-time format error. Undefined index in $allTags error was fixed.
Blog GraphQL for Magento 2.3.4 errors were fixes (Magento 2 Blog GraphQL v2.0.2 release).
Magento 2 Blog is now Compatible with the Magento 2 Alternate Hreflang v2.0.2.
From now on the users of Magento 2 Dynamic Category extension will be able to preview the list of products that will be generated by the rule and update the conditions if necessary. "Is on Sale" product attribute update was improved. Quantity summary product attribute now can accept negative values and update even if a product is out of stock.
Save and Apply button now is working correctly. Multi-website owners can now set the rule's "Websites" option since it was fixed as well.
Going on, there were added the automatic alternate hreflang tags for the Blog posts, categories and CMS pages assigned to multiple store views. Moreover, there were added the alternate hreflang tags for the Blog index page.
Sometimes when using the language switcher on the blog page with different blog rout settings for each store view there appeared the 404 error which is fixed now.
Finally, lucky for Magento 2 Auto Language and Auto Currency Switcher users there was added the Geolocation Simulation feature that allows you to easily change GeoLocation to check the auto currency and language switchers.
"Floor" price rounding algorithm is now available in Auto Currency Switcher.
From now on, if the guest order was placed and automatically converted to the customer with the "Automatically Convert Guest To Customer" option enabled, a customer will appear at the customer's grid instantly without waiting for indexing.
Managing the CMS Display Rules is now more effective because there was added a preventing loop for CMS Blocks. Besides, there were fixed a few minor issues.
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