A logo is what your customers associate your store with and what helps them to identify your brand among a huge number of others. Having your store's logo added to the invoice PDF printouts sent via sales emails and packing slips may serve as a sign of reliable service.
That's why such a technic can increase brand awareness and improve customers' overall experience. So, in this guide, you'll learn how to configure invoice and packing slip design in Magento 2.
To configure invoice and packing slip design in Magento:
1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Sales > Invoice and Packing Slip Design.
2. Press the Choose File button and upload your logo in the Logo for PDF Print-outs (200x50) field. The 200x50 size is recommended.
3. Choose File and upload the logo in the Logo for HTML Print View field.
4. Enter the Address (email address or a few of them) that will be displayed in the invoices PDFs and packing slips.
Once you finish, press the Save Config button and have a look at how your invoices will look after finishing this configuration:
As you can see, the invoice and packing slip design configuration in Magento is just a piece of cake. We assure you, that you can set everything up effortlessly to make your invoices more brandable.
But that's not it. You can also customize your admin panel by changing the admin colors and logos to resonate with your brand.