Notice: this functionality is deprecated and no longer works in the latest versions of Magento 2 Blog.
Posting to Facebook automatically saves you a lot of time so you don't have to duplicate your Magento 2 Blog posts to Facebook, especially if you publish regularly. In this article, you will learn how to configure the blog posts auto-publication to Facebook.
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Publish Posts on Facebook
To configure the auto-publication of your blog posts on Facebook in Magento 2 Blog follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Blog and find the Publish Posts On Facebook section. Note: that this option is available for Blog Plus and Blog Extra users only.
2. Enable the Auto Publish on Facebook option to be able to configure it.
3. Set the Facebook App ID and Facebook App Secret. You need to get them from your Facebook API. If you don't have one, please create a new Facebook APP.
Note: that the application needs to be in the LIVE mode and <a title="How to Request " manage_pages"="" and="" "publish_page"="" permissions="" in="" facebook="" application?"="" href="">"manage_pages" and "publish_page" permissions should be enabled.
4. Enter the Facebook Page ID (?). This is the page your blog posts will be automatically published on. Use this link to learn how to create a Facebook page in case you don't have one.
5. Select the Blog Categories For Auto Publishing to state the categories you want blog posts to be automatically published from.
Once you've filled all the information and pressed the Save Config there will appear the following notification. You will need to generate a new Facebook Access Token.
Generate Facebook Access Token
1. Confirm it is you who's trying to get the access.
2. Choose the Pages you want to be used by the APP for publishing your blog posts on Facebook.
3. Enable all the Options APP requests.
After you have finished there will appear the confirmation about your account being successfully linked to the Facebook APP.
Now your new articles will be automatically published on Facebook.
Disable Auto-publication for Single Posts
In case you want to disable the auto-publication to Facebook of some particular post go to Content > Post and chose the post you want to disable from sharing.
Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page, find the Publish On Facebook section and disable the automatic publication of this page on Facebook.
Once you save the configuration, your blog posts will be automatically shared on your Facebook page or group. However, except for sharing blog posts yourself, you can allow your blog readers to share them on various social media channels.
For that configure social sharing buttons in Magento 2 Blog.