When making a purchasing decision all customers go through certain steps to determine what products best fit their needs. And since people are social creatures collective opinion plays a huge role in that decision.
Therefore, when it comes to related products, Magento "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" blocks can give your sales strategy the boost it needs.
But the best thing is — it works every time, regardless if customers want to buy something from you already or are looking for some alternatives.
We know how to make these blocks work best for you and how to configure Magento "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" in a few clicks.
Ready to find out?
Where to Display "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" in Magento 2?
People who come to your website, might not be sure what product they want to buy. So providing them with some alternatives other people also viewed might be the push they need to make up their minds.
The uses of the "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" blocks are limitless.
You can display it on the product, category, shopping cart, and multiple other CMS pages to drive customers' attention to certain products with higher prices or better quality.
Magento 2 "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" blocks are based on the same logic as Who Bought This Also Bought That.
Let's find out how to set this up.
How to Configure "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That"?
To configure "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" in Magento, you need the Magento 2 Automatic Related Products extension, the Plus Edition in particular.
It uses a smart algorithm to analyze what products are always viewed together to display them under several other conditions for a more personalized experience.
Note: The Magento reports at Stores > Configuration > General > Reports have to be enabled to display the "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" block.
To display "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" in Magento:
1. Configure general Rule Information.
- Navigate to Marketing > Automatic Related Products > Rules and press Add New Rule to start working.
- Enable Rule, set a Name, Description, and Priority.
- Specify Customer Group and Store View where it will be visible.
- Set the Date From to Date To in order to limit the time during which "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" should be available on the frontend.
2. Define When and Where to Display the block of related products.
Choose among 20+ positions on the product, category, or shopping cart pages. You can display "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" products, before, after, or instead of native Magento related product blocks.
Additionally, you can set the conditions which you want this block to be displayed under. It could be any product or category attribute, plus CMS page attributes.
3. Specify what Products to Display.
Set product attribute conditions or choose what common attribute "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" block should be based on (according to the Same As condition).
e.g. you want to add the "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" block to the product page and display products from the same color, size, or category as related.
4. Define Display Modes if you want to display related products block on the product page.
Since we're setting up the Magento "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" block, enable the corresponding option here. However, if you configure related product rules, you can as well choose to display products from one category only or products with higher or lower prices.
5. Configure Display Settings.
- Define the "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" Block Title.
- Set what to Sort products in the block by — price, date, name, or randomly.
- Enable the Display "Add To Cart" option if you want customers to be able to add products to the cart instantly.
- Set the Number of Products To Display. Don't make it too high since it will make the page heavier and longer to load.
- Decide whether to Display "Out Of Stock" Products.
- Select a Template for the product block.
Note: except for the default template, you can choose to display custom, compare products and bundle pack templates.
Don't forget to Save the rule and go to the storefront to check the "Who Viewed This Also Viewed That" block. It will display products on pages and positions as per your conditions.
But the huge benefit is, that it is set up automatically on multiple pages at once. It eliminates the need to add related products for each product or category page manually.
Automatic Related Products extension not only saves time but allows to display relevant products more effectively.
Set up your own rules on our live demo and check how fast it is. You'll be surprised.