Hello there, Magento fans!

Have you been waiting for April News and Updates from Magefan?

Here you go… ;)

NEW features of Magento 2 Better Order Grid extension!

From now on you can change the order statuses in bulk just in a few clicks via mass actions. Another useful feature you will definitely like is product SKUs export.

And finally, last but not least, all order invoices, shipments, credit memos will be deleted together with the order.



NEW features of Magento 2 WebP Images extension!

Now you will be able to parse/convert jpg, png, gif images with the GET parameter in their URLs.

We have also improved compatibility with the CDN for your convenience.

No more errors during an order placement if the "Convert Images in REST API Requests" option is enabled — we have fixed that as well, be sure ;)

NEW feature of Magento 2 Hreflang Tags Extension!

Improve the SEO of your website even more. Choose alternate tags to connect your website pages and "tell" Google what pages to direct your customers to.

We have added an option to define custom locale code, e.g. en-FR, en-MY or en-SG, so you can improve your customers' experience even if all your store views are in the same language.


Improve your store switcher with Magento 2 Auto Language Switcher! Language Switcher Suggestion Popup now works even better. Besides, you can enable or disable the extension based on the store view level, which is very convenient if you have a multi-language store. 

Don't want to enable auto store switcher on some of your store views? Disable it for that store view and customer will have to switch the store view manually.


NEW features of our Command Line Interface Extension!

If you don't want to install a terminal or have no access to SSH, you will really enjoy the lists of all & most used CLI commands you can easily execute in your Magento 2 admin panel.

We have also added an option that allows you to restrict managers from executing all or certain CLI commands. Another special feature is availability of Ukrainian and German locales in your extension configurations.

Finally, the owners of this extension will like to hear that we have changed the CLI extension license from OSL-3.0 to EULA .


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