Imagine that a customer comes to your support reporting an issue with placing an order. What do your support managers do first thing? Request customer's login details to check the issue "from the inside out". Then enter those details and log into a customer's account.
While it doesn't seem that long, requesting and entering login credentials takes a lot of time. It would be much faster to just log in as a customer without all those details, wouldn't it?
makes this possible. So, today you'll learn everything you need to know to log in as a customer in Magento and monitor the process to avoid issues.
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Important note: Magefan Login as Customer Extension was included in the Magento 2.4.0 code. So, if you have issues using our module on Magento 2.4.x you need to disable either our module or Magento login as a customer feature.
Configure Login As Customer Extension
Before you get to the main part, you need to fill out a few Login as Customer settings. For that navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Login As Customer.
1. Disable the Disable Page Cache for Admin User option if you want the page cache to be disabled once you log in as a customer.
2. Enable the Keep Guest Shopping Cart Items option to merge the guest shopping cart into the customer shopping cart during the login process.
Don't forget to Save the settings once you finish.
The second important thing in the Login as Customer Configuration is permissions. You need to restrict different users' rights to use and manage the extension for security reasons. You can do this using the Magento user roles.
1. Navigate to System > Permissions > User Roles and choose an existing role to edit.
2. Switch to Role Resources, find all the Login As Customer resources and check the ones you want to grant for a particular role.
Login as a Customer in Magento 2
Once you install the Login as Customer Extension, the "Login as Customer" button appears in several places. This allows you to quickly log into customers' accounts regardless of the request in question.
Navigate to Customers > All Customers, find a customer you are interested in and press the Login as Customer button in the grid.
Follow the same directions to find a customer you're interested in and find the Login As Customer button on the customer's edit page.
Navigate to Sales > Orders and press the Login as Customer button directly in the grid.
If you go to the order view page you'll find the Login as Customer button among the top menu options as well.
Pro tip: you can't log in as a customer from orders placed by guests. Convert them to customers first and then proceed with the login.
Go to Sales > Invoices and find a specific invoice. The Login As Customer button is available in the top menu, together with other options.
Note: you can log in as a customer from the Shipment and Credit Memos pages as well.
Monitor Customer Account Logins
To maintain a secure Magento admin environment, you have to keep track of all the actions there, especially if it concerns your customers. Login as Customer Extensions offers you options for that — Login as Customer Entrance Log.
Navigate to Customers > Login as Customer Log and check the entrance history there. You can find information about the admin user, customer account and the time it was entered by the admin.
Although you can see what accounts your admin users log into, you don't know who logs into the admin panel. At least not in the default Magento. However, with the right tools you can also monitor Magento admin login activity and keep track of all login attempts.