As your blog grows, the number of blog posts will grow too. To keep the latest Shopify blog posts "at hand" you need to display them somewhere where they are easy to discover. And there is no better place to display your latest pieces than the blog sidebar.
Our Shopify Blog App allows you to enable Shopify recent blog posts, and choose a template for them.
To display recent blog posts in Shopify:
- Navigate to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration > Sidebar.
- Enable the recent posts widget.
- Select the Template for the recent posts, List or Grid, and choose whether to Display Post Image.
- Set the Posts Number and specify the Sort Order. The latter defines the position of the recent posts in the sidebar. The lower the number the higher it will be displayed.
Don't forget to Save the settings and go to the frontend to check how the blog posts are displayed in the sidebar.
Once you save the settings, your recent blog posts will be displayed and changed in the sidebar and Shopify homepage dynamically. If you want to display some specific posts in the sidebar, configure Shopify featured blog posts.