Imagine having to go back and force to fix the title tags, images or any other element of the blog post page once the post is already published. Not very convenient, especially if yours is a high-traffic blog. That's why publishing new blog posts without seeing them on the frontend first might be a disadvantage.
But not with the Shopify Blog App. There is an option to preview blog posts before publication or once they are already published.
Note: this feature is available in the Standard and Pro plans.
Ready to learn how?
To preview blog posts in Shopify:
1. Navigate to Apps > Magefan Blog > Posts and press the Add New Post button.
2. Press Save and Continue Edit once you finish creating your post to see the Preview button appear.
3. Preview blog post before publication.
The secret link to the post will look like this:
You can use the preview option to make sure the content looks as expected before you publish a blog post. Moreover, you can also schedule blog posts, so you don't have to worry about publishing them manually at a given date.