Import Blog Posts to Shopify via CSV

If you're working for an easy and effortless way to migrate your blog posts to Shopify, you're at the right place. Magefan Shopify Blog App allows you to import blog posts to Shopify via CSV in a matter of a few clicks, literally. 

And today you'll learn how to do that. However, if you want to migrate your default Shopify blog posts, there is the other tool you should check out.

To import blog posts to Shopify via CSV:

1. Navigate to  Apps > Magefan Blog > Imports and find the Import from CSV/XML file option.

Import from Shopify default Blog

2. Upload the CSV file and press Continue

Shopify blog import via CSV

3. Associate the blog post columns and press Import again.

Blog posts import shopify

Note: the columns in your original CSV file can differ from those in our Shopify blog. So you need to associate the columns with the corresponding fields.

Import blog posts to Shopify via CSV

Once you import in finished you'll be redirected to the Magefan Blog Posts section to continue working with your posts. Nevertheless, you might want to configure your blog homepage, post lists, design and learn how to manage Magefan Blog first.