The examples of some GraphQL queries for the Magento 2 blog module are presented in this article. With these queries, you will be able to extract the necessary blog data for Progressive Web Application (PWA). The queries are easily tested in the ChromeiQL - Chrome Browser Extension.
Note that Magento 2 Blog GraphQL addition should be installed first.
To check the full Blog GraphQL schema please see the schema.graphqls file.
Post Contents [hide]
- Blog Index Page Posts GraphQL Request
- Blog Category Posts GraphQL Request
- Blog Author's Posts GraphQL Request
- Blog Posts Tags GraphQL Request
- Search Posts GraphQL Request
- Single Blog Post Data
- Sidebar Categories GraphQL Request
- Sidebar Recent Posts GraphQL Request
- Sidebar Tags GraphQL Request
- Archive GraphQL Request
Blog Index Page Posts GraphQL Request
query GetPosts ($currentPage: Int $pageSize: Int) { blogPosts (currentPage: $currentPage pageSize: $pageSize sort: ["DESC"]) { total_count items { post_id title short_filtered_content author { author_id name author_url } post_url creation_time tags { tag_id title tag_url } categories { category_id title category_url } } total_pages } }
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 5
As a result, you will receive data for the first 5 blog posts that should be displayed on the first page.
Blog Category Posts GraphQL Request
With this query you will get posts for a certain blog category, using the category ID or category URL identifier.
query GetPosts ($currentPage: Int $pageSize: Int $categoryId: String) {
blogPosts (currentPage: $currentPage pageSize: $pageSize sort: ["DESC"] filter: {category_id: {eq: $categoryId}}) { total_count items { post_id title short_filtered_content author { author_id name author_url } post_url creation_time tags { tag_id title tag_url } categories { category_id title category_url } } total_pages } blogCategory (id: $categoryId) { title content } }
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 5,
Blog Author's Posts GraphQL Request
With this query you will get the author's posts data, using the author ID or author URL identifier.
query GetPosts ($currentPage: Int $pageSize: Int $authorId: String) { blogPosts (currentPage: $currentPage pageSize: $pageSize sort: ["DESC"] filter: {author_id: {eq: $authorId}}) { total_count items { post_id title short_filtered_content author { author_id name author_url } post_url creation_time tags { tag_id title tag_url } categories { category_id title category_url } } total_pages } blogAuthor(id: $authorId) { name } }
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 5,
Blog Posts Tags GraphQL Request
With this query you will get the list of posts containing the corresponding tag, using the tags ID or tag URL identifier.
query GetPosts ($currentPage: Int $pageSize: Int $tagId: String) { blogPosts (currentPage: $currentPage pageSize: $pageSize sort: ["DESC"] filter: {tag_id: {eq: $tagId}}) { total_count items { post_id title short_filtered_content author { author_id name author_url } post_url creation_time tags { tag_id title tag_url } categories { category_id title category_url } } total_pages } blogTag (id: $tagId) { title content } }
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 5,
"tagId": "bags"
Search Posts GraphQL Request
With this query, you will get the list of posts related to the word you are looking for.
query GetPosts ($currentPage: Int $pageSize: Int $searchQuery: String) { blogPosts ( currentPage: $currentPage pageSize: $pageSize sort: ["DESC"] filter: {search: {eq: $searchQuery}} ) { total_count items { post_id title short_filtered_content author { author_id name author_url } post_url creation_time tags { tag_id title tag_url } categories { category_id title category_url } } total_pages } }
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 5,
Single Blog Post Data
With this query, you will be able to get the blog post by post ID or URL identifier.
query GetPost ($postId: String) { blogPost (id: $postId) { post_id meta_title meta_description title filtered_content author { author_id name author_url } post_url creation_time tags { tag_id title tag_url } categories { category_id title category_url } } }
"postId": "kaytips-when-in-dubai"
Sidebar Categories GraphQL Request
With this query, you will be able to get the blog categories list.
{ blogCategories { items { category_id title category_url } } }
Sidebar Recent Posts GraphQL Request
With this query, you will be able to get the blog recent posts.
query GetPosts ($pageSize: Int) { blogPosts (pageSize: $pageSize sort: ["DESC"]) { items { post_id title post_url } } }
Sidebar Tags GraphQL Request
With this query, you will be able to get the blog tags.
{ blogTags { items { tag_id title tag_url } } }
Archive GraphQL Request
With this query, you will get the list of posts related to the publish date.
query GetPostArchive ($currentPage: Int $pageSize: Int $date: String) { blogPosts ( currentPage: $currentPage pageSize: $pageSize sort: ["DESC"] filter: {publish_time: {like: $date}} ) { total_count items { post_id title short_filtered_content featured_image author { author_id name author_url } post_url publish_time tags { tag_id title tag_url } categories { category_id title category_url } } total_pages } }
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 5,
"date": "2021-06%"