In this article, we describe the GraphQl queries for getting the necessary auto-related rule data for Progressive Web App (PWA). To implement the GraphQL resolver you need to install Magento 2 Automatic Related Products Extra.
Besides, you can easily check those queries with the ChromeiQL extension for Chrome Browser.
Related Product Rule GraphQL Request
With this query you will get all related products using rule ID (products that fall under the rule conditions).
query mfAutoRelatedProducts ($ruleId: Int $productId: Int $categoryId: Int $pageSize: Int $currentPage: Int) { mfAutoRelatedProducts( ruleId: $ruleId productId: $productId categoryId: $categoryId pageSize: $pageSize currentPage: $currentPage ){ total_count items{ products{ id name sku } category_ids{ category_id } customer_group_ids{ group_id } store_ids{ store_id } id name description status priority block_position merge_type from_one_category_only only_with_higher_price only_with_lower_price conditions_serialized actions_serialized block_title sort_by display_add_to_cart number_of_products display_out_of_stock who_bought_this_also_bought who_viewed_this_also_viewed start_date finish_date same_as_conditions_serialized click_count crt_rate apply_same_as_condition } } }
"ruleId": 1,
"pageSize": 5,
"currentPage": 1
As a result, you will receive data about the first 5 products on the first page.
Product and Category GraphQL Request
With this query you will be able to use product and category to see which rules they fall under.
query mfAutoRelatedProducts ($ruleId: Int $pageSize: Int $currentPage: Int) { mfAutoRelatedProducts( ruleId: $ruleId pageSize: $pageSize currentPage: $currentPage ){ total_count items{ products{ id name sku } category_ids{ category_id } customer_group_ids{ group_id } store_ids{ store_id } id name description status priority block_position merge_type from_one_category_only only_with_higher_price only_with_lower_price conditions_serialized actions_serialized block_title sort_by display_add_to_cart number_of_products display_out_of_stock who_bought_this_also_bought who_viewed_this_also_viewed start_date finish_date same_as_conditions_serialized click_count crt_rate apply_same_as_condition } } }
"ruleId": 1,
"productId": 1,
"categoryId": 1,
"pageSize": 5,
"currentPage": 1
As a result, you will receive data about which rules current products and categories fall.