Magento 2: Update Product Quantity in Bulk

Although you can configure the Notify for Quantity Below option to get notified once you run low on some products you still need to restock. Updating product quantities could be tiresome, as you have to go to each product page and set new values in the Quantity field. 

Not too hard when updating up to 10 or 20 products, but quite intimidating with 50+ items.

That's when the Extended Product Grid & Mass Actions extension comes in handy to optimize the process to take up to a few seconds. Literally!

So, in this guide, you'll learn how to update Magento product quantity in bulk via grid and mass actions.

Update Product Quantity in Magento via Grid

1. Select the products you'd like to change the quantity for, set the corresponding value and press Apply

Edit Product Quantity in Bulk Magento

After you press the Save Edits button, you'll be able to see your changes. 

Magento Product Quantity

Update Product Quantity in Magento via Mass Actions

The other way to edit product quantity in Magento is via mass actions. You have to follow the same process and select products you'd like to change the quantity for.

However, the next step is to choose the Mass Change Qty from the Mass actions dropdown and set the amount you'd like to increase the quantity by.

Update Product Quantity in Bulk Magento

Don't forget to Apply and confirm the changes to see them reflected in the product grid. 

Product Quantity Magento Grid

No need to go to each product page to update the quantity. Mass actions provided by the Extended Product Grid extension make things much simpler. If you manage MSI, you can also update quantity per source in bulk in the same way.