Get URL in the .phtml template files

1. Get URL of the store homepage (

<?= $this->getUrl() ?>

2. Get URL of some page, e.g. "Contact Us" (

<?= $this->getUrl('contacts') ?>

3. Get URL of the theme static file, e.g.:


use the following code:

<?= $this->getViewFileUrl('css/custom.css') ?>
<?= $this->getViewFileUrl('Magefan_Blog::js/lazyload.js') ?>

4. Get URL of the static file in pub/media:

$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$mediaUrl = $objectManager->get(Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface::class)
->getStore() ->getBaseUrl(\Magento\Framework\UrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
<?= $mediaUrl ?>wysiwyg/image.png

Attention! You should not use media files in the theme or use Object Manager.

Get URL in the WYSIWYG editor

1. Get URL of the store homepage:

2. Get URL of some other page, e.g. "Contact Us" (

3. Get URL of the theme static file:

4. Get the URL of the static file in pub/media:

If you want to get current store information in Magento 2, you should retrieve his data with a singleton instance.