The variety of payment methods you offer in Magento can directly influence your conversion rates. But when it comes to Magento POS, cash, credit card or contactless payments are the only options. Magefan POS System for Magento offers you offline and online payment methods, based on the plan you use.
Today, you'll learn more about how offline and online payment methods differ and how you can configure each for your POS frontend.
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Difference Between Online and Offline POS Payments
The main difference between online and offline POS payment methods is how the order is finalized.
In offline payment methods (cash or credit card) POS cashiers finalize orders. They press the Place Order button only once the transaction has been processed by the terminal (or cash is put into the cache drawer).
In online payment methods, orders are finalized by the payment provider. Once customers swipe their card through the terminal or the POS cashier fills out the card details on the POS frontend, the request is sent to the payment provider.
Then the payment provider processes the transaction and finalized it. The order is placed automatically in POS.
Configure Magento POS Payment Methods
To configure Magefan POS payment methods, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods. Here you can configure, enable or disable certain payment methods, in case you don't want to use them, e.g. for self-checkout POS.
Magefan POS Offline Payment
Offline payment methods in Magefan POS include cash, credit card and other payment method. The options are the same for all of them. So let's learn what you need to set up.
To configure offline payment methods in POS:
1. Enable payment method and set a Title.
2. Specify the New Order Status.
3. Choose whether to take payment from specific or all countries (and choose applicable countries if you offer this payment method only for specific countries).
4. Specify the Minimum and Maximum Order Totals.
5. Set the Sort Order to define the position of a given payment method on POS checkout.
In case you choose the cash payment, the system will calculate the change for you.
Note: you can use any terminal for offline credit card payment. The only thing is that cashiers will have to verify if the transaction is finalized on the terminal before placing the order manually in POS.
If you choose the other payment method, you don't need to take cash or card details from your customers. The payment is processed according to your own conditions.
Magefan POS Online Payment
Magefan POS offers online payments in the POS Plus and Extra editions. You can choose either Stripe payments or Magento payment methods you've configured for your online store.
The Stripe settings are quite similar to the ones for offline payment methods. However, we need to cover a few other options.
To configure Magefan POS Stripe Payment:
1. Enable this payment method and change a Title.
2. Specify the Stripe Publishable and Secret Keys.
Note: you have a total of four Stripe API keys (Developers Dashboards > API > API keys) — two for test mode and two for live. Make sure to test Stripe integration with test keys before going live.
3. Set the New Order Status.
4. Choose whether to enable this payment method for specific countries and select them from the corresponding field.
5. Enter Instructions.
6. Specify the Minimum/Maximum Order Totals and set the Sort Order.
When you use the Stripe Payment Method cashiers have to manually input credit card details on the POS frontend and only click on the Place Order button after the transaction is processed.
To configure Magefan POS Stripe Terminal Payment you need to fill out all of the same options. The thing that differs is that you need to specify only the Secret Key and choose whether to enable the Interac Debit.
When you use the Stripe Terminal cashier has to choose a terminal and click on the Place Order button. Then customers will pay with their cards. And only after the transaction is finalized, the cashier will see a successful order message on the POS device.
Magento payment methods
All you need to use the online Magento payment method is enable and name it. All the other options are the same as in offline payment methods, except Instructions. You can provide instructions on how to initiate payment in POS using the online payment methods.
Once you choose that option on POS checkout, you process payment the same as you would online.
The convenience of using the POS system and the variety of payment methods you provide will influence the experience of both cashiers and customers. Now that you know how to configure each POS payment method, you'll be able to choose the one that works best for you.
You can go through the process of placing an order with different payment methods on our POS frontend to find out how easy that is.