It may well be that our online catalogue is not updated yet. We have a vast network of ingredients, our supply chain team will be happy to entertain any ingrendient enquiry.
Tras probar varios, entre ellos uno de Webkul que era una basura, al igual que el soporte del mismo, que después de dos meses no fue capaz de hacer funcionar.
Magefan POS, de maravilla. Resultado excelente, funciona bien y los típicos errores de todas las extensiones en Magento te los solucionan muy bien, de forma eficiente y sin errores.
Se preocupan y se esfuerza de verdad en ayudarte.
Estamos Agradecidos y contentos.
After trying several, including one from Webkul that was garbage, as was its support, which after two months was not able to make it work.
Magefan POS, wonderful. Excellent result, it works well and the typical errors of all the extensions in Magento are solved very well, efficiently and without errors.
They care and really try to help you.
We are grateful and happy.
La Bicicleta Pacense S.L.
POS is amazing
We acquired the POS for our site in Mexico and it has worked perfectly, it helps us a lot with sales control, I just hope that in an update it can also be used offline
Your Key Store MX
Point Sale
Excellent extension for Magento, it integrates perfectly with my site, we use it for our physical store and it is very comfortable and intuitive
Mario Perez
Amazing product
We have been using the POS module for about 2 months now and it just worked right after installation. Absolutely MUST have for any stores that needs direct integration with M2. I've tried with other POS systems and not have been so quick and problem free as this one.
Support has been very quick to answer all our questions, furthermore they have implemented some amazing features that we thought was a good idea as well, for example sending the ordernumber to stripe also, so bookkeeping becomes a lot easier.
All in all, 10 out of 5 stars, for the product and last but certainly not least, for the team.
Gzim Sokoli
MAgefan POS - Super
Best and affordable POS system for us. The fact that it puts a normal order in magento is key for our processes. Also support is above average, so keep up the good job..
Randau Meijerink
it's a great extension I'm amazed
it's a great extension I'm amazed, and it's doing all I wanted, I've been looking for something similar until I lost hope of finding an extension that will work smoothly like the team did, I can print and make a sale on my iPad and quantity will be changed on website, it works very well for us as we run an online shop and a brick and mortar location, without double selling items.
Mosa El-Nile
Great software
Magento POS software works well for us, does everything we need. Linking with the Stripe Card Reader is the perfect setup.
Chris Meakes
After trying the points of sale, it is indeed a very wonderful extension, only the vat zacat ksa is missing in order for it to work in Saudi Arabia without problems -
Magefan's reply:
Thank you for your feedback Abdullah. We'll review your suggestion regarding the vat zacat ksa and get back to you.
abdullah alhulaili
Nice product but still feels "in development"
I like the basics of the product. Support is outstanding but still a few issues with seem hard to solve. Not ready for use in production I believe (I still can't add products to cart when manage stock is set to no). Also products with variations can still not be added to cart. Probably add quantity selector and/or variation selector? Als still don't understand why the POS frontend must be installed in a subdirectory of the PUB folder, so when I update the extension I need to reüpload the pos folder. This is a bit annoying since the product is regularly updated and I just prefer a composer update. 4 stars because of pricing (499 seems a lot but compare it to other systems and you will find out it is quite cheap.
Thank you Remke, for your honest review. We appreciate your feedback and already work on a new releases to fix all the issues, you've pointed out. You won't need to reupload the pub folder manually and worry about the stock management option being set to no.
Remke Douwes
Very promising system !!!
Have used several systems, but after comparison decided to use Magefan POS Extra,
* the system is new and allows you to develop in the required direction, add required features, options
* POS extension made simply, intuitively.
* User friendly design/interface.
Most Important: Great TEAM !!!
MAGEFAN is responsible team, focused on long-term cooperation.
Recommend to all !
Igor Solomonidze
Does what it says on the tin.
A POS System perfect for our needs. Any issues we had were dealt with by Magefan speedily. Very happy.
Awesome support
Can't say enough about awesome support I was given during the setup. I had difficulties locating the POS fronted due to specifics of my file structure and Ihor replied and helped promptly. And thanks a lot for adding the option to checkout customers upon our request, it was critical for us
Thomas Lang
I use this pos and can not add to cart configurable product
I can not add to cart configurable product using this pos free version.
Magefan's reply:
Thank you for your review, however, the configurable product support is not provided in the free version of POS, which is stated on the pricing page:
sysnova sysnova
Easy to manage
Thanks Magefan for a tool that does exactly what it says. Unlike other vendors this pos doesn't offer a myriad of features you have to pay for additionally. Design is simple and there is no learning curve. We close most orders via tablet so I love the responsiveness.
Diana Kuvalis
User friendly pos
The pos is very easy in its design and very user friendly and for sure it can grow to a good pos for the offline store. every new employee can work with it within 5 minutes lesson.
In my eyes the pos is on this moment not a Beta but Alpha version.
so remind if you buy the pos plugin in this stages that you need to help magefan with bug reports and provide them real world usage problems.
There is still one very important pos cashier option missing and this limited now to use it in a real store. all real world pos systems have this option and for a good reason.
when you get customers with products which have an old price or new price its impossible to finalize the order, there need to be a option to change product prices when add the products to the pos cart. same option as you can do with creating orders in the magento dashboard. its impossible to say to customers sorry i need to do changes in the webstore and you need to wait. so this price change option will solve allot.
support from Magefan is good , they try to solve issues fast and especially impressive in the time from electricity blackouts trough Ukraine.
remon segers
Still buggy, will not install correctly.
Magefan's reply:
Thank you for your review. Unfortunately yes, our system is still beta as we've declared in the name. But we're happy to hear about any inconveniences and receive any bug reports so we can fix them timely and make the POS system work for you.
Lonnie Brodie
Top service
We installed this free module to manage our retail stores in Magento. I like everything so far. Thank you!