If you decided to remove Magento 2 Dynamic Categories Extension, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
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Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way Dynamic Categories extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-dynamic-category
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension Data (optional)
Attention! This will clean all dynamic categories data, including dynamic categories rules and configurations, etc.
1. Just in case please make a full backup (dump) of your Magento 2 database.
2. Run next MySQL queries to remove the extension data. E.g. you can use phpMyAdmin for this purpose.
DELETE FROM setup_module WHERE module = "Magefan_DynamicCategory
DELETE FROM `patch_list` WHERE `patch_list`.`patch_name` LIKE '%Magefan\DynamicCategory%';
DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE 'mfdynamiccategory
DROP TABLE IF EXISTSmagefan_dynamic_category_rule
DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE `attribute_code` in ('mfdc_is_on_sale', 'mfdc_reviews_count', 'mfdc_reviews_score', 'mfdc_created_in_days', 'mfdc_stock_qty', 'mfdc_best_sellers_per_week', 'mfdc_best_sellers_per_month', 'mfdc_best_sellers_per_three_months', 'mfdc_best_sellers_per_year', 'mfdc_is_new')