When sitemaps aren't generated or currency rates aren't updated as usual, chances are something is wrong with the cron jobs. Thus, if some automated process fails you need to check the cron status, unless you've set up the missed cron job notifications.
Today you'll learn how you can check the cron status in Magento in both, the database and the admin panel.
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Check Cron Status in the Database
To make sure your cron is running in Magento:
1. Log in to your Magento 2 database and find the cron_schedule table. Here you can see all cron jobs and their statuses.
2. Find the cron job name in the job_code column or use the following query to find it:
SELECT * FROM `cron_schedule` WHERE job_code = 'your_job_code' ORDER BY created_at DESC
Check Cron Status in the Admin Panel
If you want to check the cron status in the Magento 2 admin panel, get the Magento 2 Cron Schedule Extension. Then go to System > Cron Schedule > Schedule Log and use filters to find the cron job you want to check.
You'll see the cron job status right there in the grid.
Alternatively, you can go to the System > Cron Schedule > Cron Timeline and check the Magento cron job status there.
After you check the cron job statuses, you'll know if some didn't run or were simply missed. Then you can run cron job manually from the admin panel too.