Sales are a great period for your customers to save some money purchasing your products. However, none of them actually knows how much it takes to organize, arrange and manage sales and orders.
Coupon code sometimes doesn't apply or is used multiple times, or becomes invalid. So, to organize your order grid during sales, you can add coupon codes to the order grid in Magento 2 and easily find orders with discounts.
You just need Magento 2 Better Order Grid Extension for this. And in this article, you will learn how to add coupon code column in the order grid.
Take these steps to add coupon code to the order grid in Magento 2:
1. Navigate to Sales > Orders and unfold the Columns menu.
2. Find the Coupon Code in the order attributes and check it.
3. Once you add the coupon code, it will appear in the order grid.
And that's it. You don't need to have any technical skills to add a discount to the sales order grid since Magento 2 Better Order Grid module does it for you.
You won't only be able to see the coupon code in the order grid, you can use the Coupon Code Filter and easily find orders with discounts.
Want to know more about other features of Magento 2 Better Order Grid? Check it out now!