You work with eCommerce and Magento in particular, so you probably know how important it is to keep track of important changes in your store. One of the most important changes and updates you have every day are new orders and new customers.

In any case, it is important to catch the moment and reach out to them with a follow-up, update or special offer.

In this article, you will learn how to send an email to the admin after customer registration, so you are aware when there is a new customer registered.

Magento allows you to send the customer registration email to customers, but not admins. However, you can use the Magento 2 Admin Email Notifications Extension for this. It provides you a very convenient configuration.

To enable customer registration notification for admins:

1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Admin Notifications > Admin Email Notifications and find the Customer Registration Notification section.

2. Enable the notifications.

3. Choose the Email Sender who will appear as a sender of the emails about customer registration.

Note: you can configure Magento Store Emails to set the emails for general contacts.

4. Select the Email Template for the customer registration email notification.

Note: Custom Customer Registration Notification Email is set as a default template, but you can change that and customize email templates.

5. Set the Email Recipient who will get the notification about the new registered customers. There can be a few of them. In this case separate them by commas.

Customer Registration Email Notification in Magento 2

Once you finish don't forget to save the configuration and test it. You should receive the following email with the customer ID, Name and Email Address. However, remember that its design will depend on the template.

Email Notification about Registered Customers

Now you will be able to receive the email notification about new registered customers to your email address. So you don't have to monitor them and reload the admin panel regularly.

However, this is not the only notification Magento 2 Admin Notifications Extension allows you to configure. Check a complete list of Magento 2 Admin Email Notifications Extension features and try them out on demo!