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Magento 2 Blog Extension

Magento 2 Blog is a robust marketing tool that helps you boost your store SEO, attract new customers and maintain a professional blog. It allows you to create blog posts, categories, tags, comments, and authors, and manage them from one admin panel.

Best SEO practices, an extensive set of features, 22+ templates and plenty of other options will make your blog stand out.

You don’t need to rely on WordPress or any other third-party platform when you have a Magefan Blog that attracts, engages and converts!
  • Choose from 22+ blog templates for post lists and homepage
  • Create an unlimited number of blog posts, categories, tags and authors
  • Schedule and preview posts before publication
  • Improve blog navigation with 8 different sidebar widgets
  • Optimize your blog for better position in search with multiple SEO features
  • Cross-promote your products in the blog and posts in the catalogue
  • Insert featured and recent posts anywhere in your store using widgets
Regular Price $149 Special Price FREE
one-time payment
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Benefits with the Magento 2 Multi Blog and manage two separate blogs in one admin!
FREE version available
Responsive Magento 2 blog
Blog post on Magento homepage
Blog post list templates
Custom blog homepage
Live Demo
Compatibility:Magento 2.3.0 - 2.4.7-p3 (CE, EE, ECE, B2B)

Make the Right Choice For Your Store

Opportunities are limitless when it comes to blogging. You can use it to sell more of your products, drive organic traffic to your store or just share the news with your customers.

What matters is the tools you use for either of these purposes.

Magefan Blog is a reliable solution over 1 680 000 installs on different Magento 2 instances.

This number growns since our Blog has everything you could ask for to rank, drive traffic, and convert.

Magento 2 Blog Post and Categories
magento 2 blog ai tool

Generate Posts in Minutes with AI

Crafting compelling content takes time, especially if you want to tailor it for SEO. But it doesn’t have to since the Magefan Blog does the job for you.

Choose the post topic, set the keywords and write a direct prompt for the post content and featured image. That’s literally it!

We’ll generate the entire blog post for you IN SECONDS. All you have to do is a little bit of editing and filling out other post options.

Creating a blog is fun and easy with Magefan.

Make the Most of the Blog SEO

SEO is key to high SEO ranking. That's why our Magento Blog is packed with SEO features that make Google love you:

  • - Blog XML sitemap
  • - Metadata settings 
  • - SEO-Friendly URLs
  • - Canonical URLs
  • - Breadcrumb
  • - Rich Snippets (Structured Data)
  • - Robots Meta Tags
  • - Open Graph Tags for Post
magento 2 best seo practices
magento blog templates

Take Full Control of the Blog Design

Stunning content goes hand in hand with compelling design. One can’t do without the other if you want to impress your readers.

Our Blog Extension for Magento covers both.

Choose between 22+ blog templates for blog lists and post widgets. Change the layout for each blog page and tweak the design with custom CSS.

The responsive, fast and attractive blog is what you get with Magefan.

Create SEO-friendly Blog URLs

When it comes to SEO, every detail counts, including URLs. That’s why we offer you complete control over your blog URLs.

Customize blog, post, category, tag, author and search page paths, choose page pagination type and set whether to use the trailing slash (/).

Magento 2 Blog meets any requirements with flexible permalink settings.

seo friendly blog url
magento 2 related products

Boost Sales with Your Blog

To keep your readers engaged you have to keep your blog informative instead of salesy. However, there’s still a way to drive attention to your catalogue 一 related products.

Use Magento 2 Blog Extension to add related products at the bottom of the blog posts or in the sidebar. Or speed up the process with the related product rules .

Boost engagement and promote your items effortlessly with a handy tool!

Craft compelling content

Stay ahead of the competition and captivate your audience with our robust blog

Keep People on Your Website

The average time on the page tells Google whether your blog is relevant. The longer users stay on your blog the better. Increase that time with a few Magento Blog features:

Related posts 一 add related posts for each article or enable auto-related product rules

Related posts on product page 一 add related products to posts, so they automatically appear on product pages

Posts from the same category 一 show the most popular pieces from the same topic

Next and previous posts 一 encourage customers to navigate through your blog through next/prev links

magento 2 related posts
blog author magento

Create and Manage Authors

Do you know what builds trust and lends credibility to your blog and brand? Blog authors. Showing an author’s bio under blog posts creates a 1:1 relationship.

Our Magento 2 blog helps with that.

Create blog authors, manage author pages and show the latest posts by author on blog posts.

If you have multiple authors working on posts, simply add co-authors to boost authority.

Edit, Approve, Disapprove and Reply to Comments

If you want to learn how people react to your content check the comments. Enable Facebook, Disqus or Magefan comments, depending on your audience.

The latter gives you more control over content in comments. Edit, approve, disapprove or reply to comments and receive email notifications about new comments (and replies to comments).

Magento 2 Blog Extension also covert the spammy comments with the ReCaptacha. Keep dialogue with your readers to gain their loyalty.

magento 2 blog comments
magento blog sidebar

Ensure Straightforward Navigation

Enable blog sidebar widgets to optimize your blog navigation with our Magento Blog:

  • - Search 一 help users find posts they are interested in faster (blog or catalogue search)
  • - Categories tree 一 allow readers to choose some specific posts from the diversity of topics
  • - Post contents 一 enable post contents in the sidebar for each post
  • - Recent/featured and popular posts 一 highlight some interesting articles
  • - Tag cloud 一 combine similar posts with tags
  • - Related products 一 display unique related products for each post
  • - Archive 一 show the history of your blog
  • - Custom HTML blocks 一 insert custom block/images into the blog sidebar

Preview, Schedule and Disable Blog Posts

Creating content takes a lot of time. But editing and publishing probably cause more fuss. Our Magento 2 Blog fixes that.

Preview draft posts on the frontend and make necessary changes before publication. Set future date and enable a blog post to schedule the publication.

Configure the end date to disable blog posts automatically.

Hassle-free blog management is what Magefan Blog stands for.

preview and schedule blog posts in magento
add blog posts to homepage magento

Add Featured and Recent Posts to Homepage

Your store homepage is the first interaction your customers have with your brand. It features the best sellers, testimonials, social media to make an impression.

Your blog deserves to be there too.

Use handy featured and recent posts widgets to easily add posts to your homepage or any other page on your store. Magento 2 Blog Extension boosts engagement on every page of your store.

Boost Engagement on Social Media

The built-in social sharing buttons in Magento 2 Blog allow readers to share your content on social media effortlessly. But that’s not it.

The extension also helps to make your blog posts more attractive and “clickable” when shared.

Set the Open Graph image, title and description for every post.

Get more clicks and traffic to your blog with custom social media tags.

facebook open graph tags for blog

Make sure it's a good match!

Uncertain whether the Magento 2 Blog Extension has all the features you're looking for, or if it aligns with your goals?

display blog posts in magento by customer group

Deliver Personalized Experience

Customer segmentation helps you determine your customer's needs and satisfy them accordingly. The same is true for your blog.

Provide personalized content for each customer group and offer a unique experience for each of them with the Magento 2 Blog.

Create different pieces of content to attract new leads, educate existing customers and share news for premium users.

Offer Seamless Experience on All Websites

Since Magento 2 Blog Extension is used across the globe, it supports a variety of languages:

English, Ukrainian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek, Romanian, Swedish, and Simplified Chinese 一 with more to come

To translate any blog page just create a new entity and assign it to a different store view.

Drive action and create content for multiple websites within one blog dashboard.

multi language multi website support magento
magento 2 blog import

Move to Magefan Blog Without Efforts

The variety of eCommerce platforms and solutions created for them is striking. However, some still work better than others for different vendors.

Regardless of the blog you’ve used before, we’ll help you move to Magefan Blog effortlessly. We offer multiple import wizards and guides that help you migrate to Mento 2 Blog from:

WordPress, Hubspot, Joomla, Drupal, Aheadworks, Mageplaza, Mirasvit, Amasty and any other platform via CSV/XML file import

Rest API and GraphQL Endpoints

Once you create a successful store and blog, you might want to continue your brand establishment with a mobile application or Progressive Web App (PWA).

Magento 2 Blog will support that journey.

It comes with REST API and GraphQL endpoints that allow you to request from or add blog data to your external software.

We also offer POSTMAN documentation to smooth the implementation for you.

magento 2 blog rest api graphql

Does Magento 2 have a blog?
By default Magento 2 doesn’t provide blog functionality. You need to install Magento 2 Blog Extension to be able to manage posts, categories, tags, and authors' pages on your Magento store.
How can I create a blog in Magento 2?
Once you install Magento Blog Extension you need to enable it. The blog page will be added to your store automatically with the /blog suffix. All you need to do then is create blog categories, posts, authors and start generating more traffic with compelling content.
Can I install your Magento 2 Blog module via the composer?
Yes, all our modules can be installed via the composer. Once you purchase the extension, you receive keys to the private Magefan composer repository. The composer installation commands are available in your account ("My Downloads" section).
Do you offer installation for this extension?
Each Magefan extension comes with the extension files and installation guides. The installation service is not included in the extension price. You can purchase it separately.
Does this extension come with free support and updates?
After you purchase the extension, you get 365 days of free updates and free support. You also keep the source code of the latest version released during these 365 days.

Yet, if you'd still like to update after 365 days pass, you can renew access to updates and support for 50% of the extension's price. Find more in our license agreement.

Do you offer a free trial for Magento 2 Blog?
Yes, you can request a free trial for this extension by filling out the free trial form. If you comply with all the free trial requirements, we’ll issue a trial for 14 days.
Do you offer any discounts?
If no sale is running currently, you can get a discount by subscribing to our newsletter or leaving a review for any of the extensions you already use.
How many websites can I use Magefan extensions on?
According to our license agreement you can use one extension license on one live Magento instance and multiple stage, dev and test instances.

This means the extension will work on all websites within one Magento admin panel. At the same time, you don’t need a license key to use the extension on stage, dev or test websites.

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Quick Overview Video

Looking through the ways to upgrade your store? Start a blog and make your website stand out. We'll help you on your journey to professional blogging in eCommerce.

View this 2-minute video to check some of Magefan's Blog features.
Blog v2.12.2

Set up was easy, the provided guides are very helpful. Easy to post blogs and support was fantastic with timely and comprehensive responses. Would recommend this extension.

By Jean Phillips
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