Having configured the Twitter cards tags for the product page in Magento 2, you can move on to the category page configuration. So, the steps below will help you to achieve this goal.

1. In the admin panel, go to Catalog > Categories and choose the category you'd like to configure Twitter cards tags for.

2. Jump to the Twitter Cards  Metadata section.

3. Set a Twitter Cards Title if you don't want the Meta Title to be used instead. In case it isn't configured, the category name will be applied.

4. Fill out the Twitter Cards Description field. The Meta Description will be used if you leave this field blank. If none of the descriptions has been configured, the default description will be applied for the Twitter cards instead.

5. Upload the Twitter Cards Image, otherwise, the default image will be the one the Twitter users will see.

 Twitter cards configuration on category page

6. Once all the changes have been performed don't forget to press the Save button.

These configuration steps just couldn't be simpler. You can literally cope with them in a matter of minutes. After that, you might also want to learn how to configure Twitter cards for the CMS page