With the Twitter cards configured for your blog pages, you have a chance to drive more customers through social media. At the same time, if you have a structured blog, it would also make sense to create Twitter cards for the category pages. It will help to provide eager readers with a whole series of related blog posts that cover a certain field.

So, in the following guide, you'll learn how to configure Twitter cards for Magento 2 blog category page. 

The steps below will help you to cope with this task. 

1. In the admin panel, go to Content > Blog > Categories and click on the category you'd like to configure.

2. Scroll down to the Twitter Cards Metadata section.

3. Set a Twitter Cards Title if you don't want the Meta Title to be used instead. If it is also not configured the post title will be displayed.

4. In the Twitter Cards Description field enter the description of the Twitter card. In case you haven't set it up the Meta Description will be used. If none of the descriptions has been configured, then the default description will be shown here.

5. Set the Twitter Cards Image, otherwise, the default image you previously added will be shown here.

Blog category page twitter cards metadata

6. When all the adjustments are made, press the Save button.

And it would be it. Just as simple as that. Yet, having configured Twitter cards for the pages you operate, you'll have a chance to promote them on social media. You know what a powerful tool it is, so try to give it a shot and check the effectiveness of this configuration yourself.