Being constantly concerned with the Google PageSpeed (GPS) score, many online entrepreneurs often overlook the importance of blogging in their marketing strategy.
Hyvä will help you reach the maximum performance and provide the utmost experience for your website visitors. But after mastering your website speed, you’ll need something else ー drive new traffic to your website. Lots of it.
According to the latest blogging statistic around 60% of people purchase a product after reading a blog post about it. So why isn’t it being talked about more often?
A good blog helps you establish your brand voice, drive more traffic and increase conversions on your store. That being said, if you have any doubts about whether to invest your time and effort into blogging on Hyvä, we’re here to unveil them.
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Top 10 Reasons Why Your eCommerce Site Needs a Blog
When asked, many know exactly why they haven’t started a blog on their eCommerce store 一 it takes too much time to see the results, it doesn’t pay off, people stopped reading blogs, etc. However, when it comes to the list of benefits, they can hardly name any.
Blogging in e-Commerce works and will continue getting traffic to the global amount of 1.8B websites that have it.
It is not late to start a blog in 2023. And here are proven reasons why.
1. Increase traffic to your store
Since the ultimate goal of all store owners is to increase conversions, a blog is a long-term investment you need to make.
Google loves fresh content. If you post regularly search robots index your website more often. That’s enough reason to start blogging to get your website on better SERP positions and drive traffic organically.
Besides, the more pages you add to your websites, the more keywords you target. Thus linking those pages together improves internal linking and website score in general.
Creating high-quality content your readers are interested in not only provides an infinite source of traffic but makes Google “like” you.
2. Promote your products
Save yourself from the trouble of wondering what to write about in your blog, and jump back to the statistics we’ve mentioned at the beginning.
More than 50% of people read product reviews before making a purchasing decision.
Following the lead?
If you sell apparel, talk about the latest trends. Pets food? Share expertise on the peculiarities of different breeds. Electronics? Characteristic comparison articles will crash it.

Related products block on blog post page
There are myriad ways to make a blog swirl around your products. Just don’t make it too “salesy”.
A good rule of thumb is to look at it from your readers' perspective. Be useful and write about things that interest your audience. You can always add blog related products at the end of the article.
3. Improve SEO
A blog enables you to create more content and target more SEO-friendly keywords that will ultimately drive people to your store. It makes your website searchable, visible, and competitive.
Driving traffic is easy, unlike driving quality traffic. And that’s what the blog is here to do. Sharing expertise in your niche and answering customers' queries in a fun and engaging manner will make them come back.
The more people visit your website the more relevant it appears to Google, and the higher positions it will put you on. It is a loop of benefits you get posting quality content on your website.
Just imagine an SEO boost you'll get from Hyvä-powered performance, Magento SEO features and quality traffic coming from blog.
4. Establish yourself as an expert in your niche
Competition is fierce nowadays with thousands of similar stores on the web. This forces you to come up with something to stand out. But you don’t have to break your head searching through the latest trends and approaches. There is an answer already 一 blogging.
In fact, B2B marketers say they get 67% more leads that those without a blog.

Blog category page example
Publishing well-thought content about your niche and prioritizing customers' interests will make you an authority. Your store will be considered more trustworthy than this of a competitor merely because you’re giving away valuable industry insights for free.
This, once again, brings us to the loop of benefits: the more trustworthy you are the more traffic you attract.
5. Engage your customers
Although e-Commerce profit margin has increased drastically other the last few years, people don’t come online for shopping only. A great number of them want to be entertained.
That’s why one of the methods you can use your blog for is engaging your audience. Share your customers' success stories, post testimonials, and inspiring stories related to your niche.
Besides, you can communicate your message by sharing photos and videos of your products in a fun and engaging way. Ideas are limitless as long as you keep your customer entertained and inspired to come back.

Product widget on blog post page
6. Develop your brand voice
People will trust you more if they know more about you. While social media and email marketing allow you to speak for your brand, your brand voice won’t ever be as loud as a blog makes it.
Use a blog to share your story, what you’re standing for, what you believe in, and get yourself out there.
Whether it’s how-to articles, listicles, comparison articles, announcements, or success stories you share on your blog, they all represent your brand. Developing your brand’s voice through a blog makes your business more human and down to earth.
7. Benefit from a free marketing tool
Even though you’ve realized it already, let me voice it for you 一 blogging is free. The only currency valid here is time. But it pays off tremendously if you do it the right way.
Paid advertising works but it rarely results in an engaging bond and returning customers, unlike blogs. If you educate, engage, and entertain your audience it is more likely to convert and keep coming back.
Why spend thousands on advertising if you could create a long-term content strategy and drive targeted organic traffic for free?
8. Create an online community
Niche-specific forums are a success because people come there to listen and be heard. As social creatures, we like to be a part of a community. Blog on an eCommerce website allows you to create a community of avid followers.
If you’re truly passionate about your niche, share valuable information with people who are as passionate about it as you are.

Blog comments
Respond to comments or private messages and keep the communication active. Establish trust and it will do wonders for your conversion rates. Believe me.
9. Support your marketing efforts
One of the eCommerce blog benefits is the fact it could be used in a multitude of ways. Managing a blog doesn’t mean you have to give up other forms of marketing you use. Digital marketing includes different branches, and blogging is there only to boost your efforts.
You can allow your customers to like and share your content on social media or send out a monthly newsletter with your most popular pieces. One way or another it will result in more traffic engagement and increased conversions.

Blog posts shared on Facebook
What Blog Extension to Choose for Hyvä?
Hyvä is compatible with 140+ extensions to ensure optimal performance of your favourite extensions on your speed-optimized Magento theme. This makes it a tough call to choose a blogging solution that will meet your requirements.
If the reasons we’ve just discussed have convinced you to start a blog, our Blog Extension for Magento 2 is one of the best long-established blog modules to choose.
It is a feature-rich blogging solution with a “clean” code, detailed documentation, and extensive support. You will have fun managing blog posts, categories, tags, authors, and archives along with your store in one admin panel.
However, note you will need Hyvä Theme Blog Integration Extension to make it work.
To Blog or Not to Blog?
“Content is king” 一 is a mantra content marketers have been trying to share for a long time because IT WORKS. Content helps you to drive quality traffic and create a source of information people trusts.
If you establish yourself as an expert in your niche and make people trust you, why shouldn’t they trust your products and services? Blogging of Hyvä, the most speed-optimized theme for Magento, will help you reach outstanding results.
Give blogging on Hyvä a try and check how the blog works on Hyvä Blog Demo!