How to Print Invoices in Magento 2?

Invoices are important elements of efficient order management in Magento. This is a special type of document containing all the order details that are of great importance for both a customer and a store. 

In most cases, invoices are created automatically, based on the payment methods you have. But when it comes to printing, you have to do it manually. Fortunately, Magento allows you to print invoices in more than one way. You can either print a particular invoice or print several in bulk.

So, don't miss an opportunity to learn how to print invoices in Magento 2 using this guide.

Want to send order-related documents automatically? Attach PDF Invoices and other files to the sales emails using Magento 2 Email Attachments.

How to Print an Invoice in Magento 2?

To print an invoice in Magento 2:

1. Go to Sales > Invoices, choose the order you would like to print the invoice for, and press the View link.

2. Press the Print button on the top menu and the PDF file will be downloaded.

Print an invoice in Magento 2

It really couldn't be simpler. However, if you want to print multiple invoices at a time, jump to the next solution.

How to Print Multiple Invoices in Magento 2?

To print multiple invoices from the Magento order grid:

1. Go to Sales > Invoices and tick all the invoices you want to print.

2. Choose the PDF Invoices option in the Actions dropdown and the corresponding PDFs will be downloaded.

Print multiple invoices in Magento 2

Note: you might as well use this method to print one invoice only. Just tick an invoice and choose a corresponding option from the Actions dropdown. 

How Can Your Customers Print Invoices from Their Accounts? 

The above-listed methods will come in handy for store admins. And what if a customer wants to have a printed version of the invoice too? 

Magento enables your customers to print invoices from their accounts on the frontend as well. To test this:

1. Log in to your account on frontend. 

2. Go to My Account > My Orders and press the View Order link on the order you'd like to print an invoice for.

3. Move to the Invoices section and press the Print Invoice button. 

4. If the order has more than one invoice, you can print all of them by pressing the Print All Invoices button. 

print invoices in customer account magento

As you can see, there is nothing to puzzle over when it comes to printing invoices in Magento. To make it even more brandable you can upload a logo for your invoices.

However, you shouldn't focus on the invoices only. To establish effective store-customer communication you also have to configure sales emails to send invoices-related info to customers' email boxes.