How much time do customers spend on your product pages? Is all important information provided and easily accessible? Customers demand rich and detailed product information to make a purchasing decision. However, at the same time, they don't want to be overloaded with information that they can't navigate through.
Structuring product details and highlights in product tabs make it easy to navigate through and find all relevant data from delivery details to FAQs, taxing video, and related products.
A limited number of product tabs provided by default won't yield the desired results. So you have to add custom product tabs in Magento.
Most guides offer you to create custom layouts and templates by diving deep into the code. But we'll show you how to add them from the admin panel with the simple Magento 2 Product Tabs Extension.
To add custom tabs on Magento 2 product page:
1. Navigate to Content > Product Tabs > Tabs and press the Add New Tab button.
2. Set general tab information.
- Enable Tab.
- Set a Name and Title. The latter defines the name of the tab that will be displayed on the frontend.
- Specify the Position to define the position of the product tab on the product page within the other tabs.
3. Create tab content.
Use the WYSIWYG editor to create content for your custom product tabs.
You can either insert HTML code or use the editor as usual.
4. Add Tab to Websites.
Set what Store View or Website Magento product tab will be visible on.
5. Define the Display Rules.
- Choose what Customer Groups the product tab will be visible to.
- Define Date From and Date To to make the custom product tab visible only within a specified period.
- Choose what Days of Week to display your product tab.
6. Configure Tab Conditions.
Custom Product Tabs Extension for Magento not only allows you to create product tabs in the admin panel but optimize their display with smart conditions. You can choose to display custom product tabs only on certain product pages. Define them by attribute set, color, size, gender, sale, and any other attributes.
You can also preview products to which product tab will be added.
Don't forget to Save the tab and check it on the storefront.
In case you want to change the product view to collapsible, go to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Product Tabs and set it in the General section.The tabs will have the accordion view.
Place yourself in your customer's shoes. Isn't it better to jump through the tabs of well-structured product information than scrolling infinitely looking for delivery terms or FAQs?
Custom product tabs in Magento significantly improve page structure and help you to improve customer experience with no influence on SEO.
You can create tabs for anything from FAQs, delivery details, size charts, and license agreements to related products, videos, and media galleries as long as you keep your customers' best interests in mind.