Magento 2 HTML Sitemap is a must for better navigation and customer satisfaction since it provides concise information about your website pages. Besides, it makes it easier and faster for search crawlers to discover these pages. However, don't confuse it with the XML sitemap, since HTML and XML sitemaps are not the same.

Today you'll learn how to create HTML sitemap in Magento 2 without any complex configuration. You just need Magento 2 HTML Sitemap Extension.

How to Create HTML Sitemap in Magento 2?

1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > HTML Sitemap.

2. Select where to Display HTML Sitemap Link InTop Links or Footer Links.

3. Choose where to Open Linksin a new tab or in the same tab.

Create HTML Sitemap in Magento 2

4. Set up links for CMS Pages, Products, Categories, Blog Posts, and Categories. All of the pages have the same configurations.

  • Enable the Display Product Links option to add the page links to the Magento HTML sitemap.
  • Specify the Block Title that will be displayed on the sitemap page.
  • Set the Block Position, which defines where to display certain blocks on the page.

The pages displayed at the top will be indexed faster. The higher the number, the lower the block will be displayed on the page.

  • Define the Maximum Number Of Links To Display.

Note: if you have hundreds or thousands of products or other pages displaying all of them on the page will make it too heavy. So it is recommended to display only the most important pages.

  • Enable the Display "View More" Link option if you want customers to be able to load more page links in the HTML sitemap.

Product Links in HTML Sitemap

Note: though you can add blog links to Magento 2 HTML sitemap, this option is available only if you use Magento 2 Blog Extension by Magefan.

5. Configure Additional Links.

You have to set Block Title, Position, Maximum Number of Links to display, and "View more" link as you did in the previous blocks. However, here you also have to let the Links, so please follow the format specified on the screenshot.

Display Additional Links in Magento HTML Sitemap

6. Define Ignored Links if you want to exclude some pages from the HTML sitemap in your Magento store.

Exclude Links from HTML Sitemap

7. Configure the Title, Meta Title, Description, and Keywords for the page in the Search Engine Optimization section.

HTML Sitemap SEO

Don't forget to Save Config and check the HTML sitemap on the storefront. Depending on the setup configurations, you will find the generated HTML sitemap in Magento at the top or bottom of the page.

Magento 2 HTML Sitemap Page

The HTML sitemap page, correspondingly, will contain all the pages you've configured to be displayed. You can check the HTML sitemap page we have set up as an example on our live demo.

magento html sitemap

Magento 2 HTML Sitemap SEO

Although you can configure the meta data for the general HTML sitemap, you also have multiple separate HTML sitemaps for the pages you enable:

So if you want to configure SEO for these pages as well you need the Magento SEO rules. They allow you to set up separate meta title, descriptions, and keywords for these HTML sitemap pages too.

so rule for html sitmap

Once you finish, your store customers will be able to find any page here in case they didn't manage to find them in the catalogue. Besides, the web robots will discover your store pages more easily.

However, you shouldn't forget that XML sitemap is equally important for your pages to be discovered and indexed by search crawlers. So, the next step is to create Magento XML sitemap, if you haven't done that already.