Different admin users are responsible for different sections of your store. Some fulfil orders, some manage products while others create content. Thus, it's hard to keep track of all changes made in the admin panel. This usually leads to mistakes you can't undo or threatens your store security.
fixes that. It helps you log admin panel activity and monitor every change made to products, categories, blogs, orders or any other part of your admin.
So today you'll learn how to do that.
To track admin user actions in Magento 2:
1. Install the Magento 2 Admin Action Log extension and enable it under Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Admin Activity Log.
2. Configure it by enabling the admin activity log and setting the storage time.
3. Navigate to System > Admin Activity Log > Activity Log to view changes made by admin users.
The Admin Action Log Extension stores all view, create, delete and edit actions your admins take.
You can view details or backtrace for each change in the Actions column > Select > View Details/ Backtrace and go to the changed page from the grid.
Additionally, you can filter through the admin activity to find relevant changes by the following parameters:
- Date — date and time when the action occurred
- Action type — actions logged
- Admin user — the login ID of the admin user
- IP address and Location — the computer and country admin user logged in from
- Store — store views the change was made on
- Entity — entity that is changed (e.g. product, category, system settings, etc.)
- Entity ID — ID of the edited page
Being able to find a person responsible for some changes and revert them helps you optimize the working process. No changes go unnoticed. You're always aware of what has changed and when.
However, that's not the only thing that happens in your store daily. You must also pay attention to the login activity to improve admin panel security and identify any malicious actions in time.