Once you install the
extension in your store, you can keep track of all admin activities: changes and login attempts. All these details help you to maintain a safer environment and always be aware of what is being changed in your store.In this guide though, you'll learn how to configure and manage the extension.
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To configure the Magento 2 Admin Action Log, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions and find a corresponding extension. Then enable it.
General Settings
Once you enable the Activity and Login Logs you can define the Lifetime (in days) for them. It specifies for how long to store the log. The default value is 90 days, but you can change that to save the resources.
However, there are some additional options for both logs.
If you want to track some specific sections of the admin panel, you can choose them in the Log Modules section.
Then if you want to receive notices about the last admin's login time and IP, enable a corresponding option in the Login Log settings.
Activity Log
Navigate to System > Admin Activity Log > Activity Log to view all admin activity and view what changes were made. The extension tracks the view, create, edit and delete events.
Login Log
To view who tried to log in to your admin panel, go to System > Admin Activity Log > Login Log. There you can find all login attempts sorted by success, failed and logout along with the IP address and country the attempt is made from.
GepIP Databases
The Admin Action Log Extension uses 3 different databases for proper GeoIP detection. Magefan GeoIP Database is used by default. But you can also use Cloudflare and Maxmind.
Additionally, you use the Geolocation Simulator the extension comes with and tests how the location is detected. Simply specify your IP(s) in the Allowed IPs field and set a Country it should Simulate.
Access Contol List
Finally, you can configure the users' roles to restrict their access to the admin activity and login logs. Thus, you, as the main admin, will be able to view all changes made by the admin users.
By enabling the admin activity tracking you ensure that no changes go unnoticed. However, note that it's not the only thing you need to do. We recommend checking out Magento admin security options as well.