Where to Find Product ID in Shopify?

In Shopify, you can identify a product not only by its name but also by its ID. This number is unique for every product and comes in handy for effective inventory management, reporting or other store processes. Various Shopify apps may also require product IDs for the functionality they provide.

 Since the product ID is not featured in the Shopify admin product grid, you need to know where to find it. This is exactly what you'll learn today.

Find Product ID on the Storefront

What if you don't have access to the admin panel, but need to get a product ID? Not a problem.

Open a product page and add .json to its URL. On the page you get, you'll see the product ID and other key product data.

Product id on the shopify storefront

Find Product ID in the Admin Panel

One of the easiest options is to check the product ID in the admin panel. Just open a certain product and check its URL. The sequence of numbers you see after products/ is the product ID.

Shopify product id in the admin panel

Find Multiple Product IDs

In many cases, managing products one by one becomes quite time-consuming. So, you should know how to find multiple product IDs in one go.

To do that in Shopify, log into your admin panel and add /admin/variants.json to the URL key. That's how you find all product IDs at once for further processing.

Get product ids in batch

The only drawback is that Shopify loads 50 products per page by default. You can increase this number up to 250 items by adding the ?limit=250 parameter to the URL.

e.g. https://admin.shopify.com/store/blog-demo-magefan-top/admin/variants.json?limit=250

If you have an extensive catalogue, you can view all your products by switching pages. To do this, use the page variable &p=4 (or any other page number instead of '4') with the ?limit=250 parameter.

e.g. https://admin.shopify.com/store/blog-demo-magefan-top/admin/variants.json?limit=250&p=4

As you can see, it's fairly easy to find the product ID in Shopify. You have three available options and can use any of them depending on the case. Once done, you can continue managing and improving your Shopify store.