If you ask any marketer which is easier: getting a new customer or keeping an existing one, the answer would be obvious. Returning customers not only boost your sales but generate traffic to your website.  To keep those customers returning, you need to provide the best conditions for the best experience.

One of them is Magento 2 reorders — default Magento feature that allows customers to repeat their orders by pressing only one button. 

They don't have to browse the whole catalog looking for the products they ordered before. Magento allows them to get them instantly in the same color, size, and quantity they did before.

Isn't it convenient?

Moreover, customers can ask admins to reorder for them from the admin panel: order or customer view pages.

Reorder Option in Magento 2

So, it is an essential element of Magento order processing that untimately boosts customer experience and encourages them to come back.

It is also important to note that Magento 2 reorder option is enabled by default. 

To Enable or Disable Reorders in Magento 2

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Sales > Reorders.
  2. Enable or disable the Allow Reorders options. 

Magento 2 Reorder

It is as simple as that. 

When Magento reorders feature is enabled customers can reorder from their account page or order view page.

Reorder in Magento

Once they press the corresponding button, they are redirected to the shopping cart with the ordered items. 

Note: if you had some items in the shopping cart before you pressed the Reorder button, all of the items will be there after reorder.

Magento Shopping Cart

However, it isn't always like that.

Magento 2 Reorder Isn't Working

Sometimes, the Reorder button is neither in a customer account nor on the order view page, though the Allow Reorder option is enabled. 

It doesn't mean that the feature doesn't work. It's just that not all conditions are met for reordering to work. 

Let's review the cases when Magento reorder option won't work:

  • Allow Reorder option is disabled (this is the most basic but still common case)
  • The order has an On Hold or Payment Review status. 
  • Products from your previous order are out of stock or disabled.

Magento Reorder Isn't Working

Magento reorders is one of many built-in features that allow you to make buying from you easier, especially for returning customers. 

So, enable it if you haven't done it yet. Make placing orders as easy as possible and your store will definitely stand out.