The order of the address fields on checkout matters, especially if you sell in different countries. That's why you need to know how to rearrange the order of address fields in Magento checkout to make it as customer-oriented as possible.
It is a relatively simple task if you are a developer. So most guides on how to change the order of checkout fields show the code editing scenario. But not this one.
Today you'll learn how to reorder Magento checkout address fields directly from the admin panel using Better Magento 2 Checkout.
To reorder address fields on Magento checkout page:
1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extension > Better Checkout > Shipping Address Fields Position.
2. Change the order of Shipping Address Fields by setting the sort order value (there is a separate option for Billing Address Fields).
Note: the lower the number the higher the fields will be displayed.
Don't forget to Save the settings once you finish and check the checkout address fields on the frontend.
Remember, the more intuitive your checkout page is, the more likely customers are going to finalize checkout. But after you rearrange the address fields on Magento checkout, it's not over.
You can continue optimizing your checkout page by adding icons for payment methods or setting a default shipping/payment methods.