Change log for Magento 2 WebP Images Extension
Version 2.3.12 (August 14, 2024)
- - Fixed an issue with uploading WebP images on production mode (Plus).
Version 2.3.11 (August 2, 2024)
- - Added an option allowing to upload images in .webp format via REST API (Plus).
- - Added compatibility with Magento 2.4.7 (Plus).
Version 2.3.10 (July 5, 2024)
- - Security improvements. Use Magento SecureRenderer to whitelist an inline script.
- - Minor code improvements.
Version 2.3.9 (June 25, 2024)
- - Improved image queue generation.
- - Fixed minor issue in MediaPlugin.
Version 2.3.8 (June 10, 2024)
- - Allowed to upload animated WebP images for all image placements where there is no image resize (can't be used for product image).
- - Improved compatibility with Magento v 2.4.1 and below.
Version 2.3.7 (February 9, 2024)
- - Fixed Compatability issues with PHP7.1 (Extra).
Version 2.3.6 (February 1, 2024)
- - Compatibility with Mirasvit SEO.
- - Improved compatibility with Breeze Theme.
- - Improved the creation process of CSS selector for background images.
- - Updated dependencies for remote storage (Extra).
Version 2.3.5 (November 15, 2023)
- - During the image conversion by the path via CLI a full path was used instead of a relative.
Version 2.3.4 (October 27, 2023)
- - Added extended CSS selector to gallery-mixin to work only with Picture tag.
Version 2.3.3 (October 20, 2023)
- - Added the macOS 16.4 compatibility.
- - Added WebP Generation Statistic (visible when Cron or Page Load and Cron mode is used).
Version 2.3.2 (September 18, 2023)
- - Added compatibility with Magepow Categories.
- - Improved GraphQl parsing process.
Version 2.3.1 (July 31, 2023)
- - Added mixin for file-uploader.js (Plus).
- - Small fix - PHP8.2 compatibility issue on WebP cache clean action.
Version 2.3.0 (July 17, 2023)
- - Ability to upload WebP images via the Magento admin panel (Plus).
- - Breeze Theme compatibility.
- - Improved Hyva compatibility - Page Builder Slider.
- - Compatibility with Remote Storage (Extra).
Version 2.2.4 (May 22, 2023)
- - Generate original (jpg/png) product image cache if it is missed and convert it to WebP.
- - Improved compatibility with AMP pages.
- - Improved Hyva compatibility.
Version 2.2.3 (April 6, 2023)
- - Added compatibility with PHP8.2.
Version 2.2.2 (March 16, 2023)
- - Added compatibility with Magento 2.4.6.
Version 2.2.1 (November 10, 2022)
- - Check if the source attribute originalset exists, before set.
Version 2.2.0 (November 4, 2022)
- - Added compatibility with the Codazon slideshow widget.
- - Improved image conversion process by cron.
- - Improved Hyva compatibility - rewritten js.phtml on pure js.
Version 2.1.13 (June 24, 2022)
- - Additional PHP8.1 compatibility changes.
- - New image metadata webp configuration option.
- - Codazon Product Filter compatibility.
Version 2.1.12 (May 30, 2022)
- - Additional PHP8.1 compatibility changes.
- - Improved compatibility with MagicToolbox MagicZoom extension
- - Minor code improvements.
- - CAPTCHA Image is missing (invisible).
Version 2.1.11 (May 5, 2022)
- - Magento 2.4.4 & PHP8.1 compatibility.
- - Improved compatibility with AMP pages.
- - Improved WebP images converting by cron and bin/magento command.
Version 2.1.10 (February 3, 2022)
- - Fixed issues with product swatches on category pages.
Version 2.1.9 (December 24, 2021)
- - Improved WebP conversion of Page Builder elements.
- - Improved WebP conversion on GraphQL requests.
Version 2.1.8 (November 22, 2021)
- - Converting Magento Page Builder Background Images.
- - WebP for Safari 14 and greater.
- - Minor improvements
Version 2.1.7 (September 22, 2021)
- - IMG tags that use the ['] symbol for attributes are not properly converted to WebP.
- - Error related to the PHP strict types in Config.php.
Version 2.1.6 (August 10, 2021)
- - WebP Images do not work well on AMP (Accelerated mobile pages).
Version 2.1.5 (July 12, 2021)
- - Improved HTML image parser.
- - Improved compatibility with Weltpixel Owl Slider extension.
- - Compatibility issue with MGS_Fbuilder module.
Version 2.1.4 (April 1, 2021)
- - Ability to parse/convert jpg, png, gif images that have the GET parameter in their URLs.
- - Improved compatibility with the CDN.
- - Error during an order placement when option "Convert Images in REST API Requests" is enabled in the extension settings.
Version 2.1.3 (March 9, 2021)
- - Option to convert images hosted on other domains/servers.
- - The zoomed image in MagicToolbox MagicZoomPlus extension is not converted to WebP.
Version 2.1.2 (February 9, 2021)
- - Option to convert images to WebP in GraphQL requests.
- - Option to convert images to WebP in REST API requests.
- - Improved compatibility with MagicToolbox MagicZoomPlus extension
- - Now, the WebP image is automatically generated when making a direct request to .webp image file if the file does not exist yet.
- - Minor code improvements.
Version 2.1.1 (January 11, 2021)
- - Improved compatibility with MGS themes.
- - Improved HTML tags style attribute background parsing.
- - Minor code improvements.
- - Fixed error TypeError: strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given in app/code/Magefan/WebP/Plugin/Magento/Framework/View/Element/AbstractBlock.php:69 .
Version 2.1.0 (November 20, 2020)
- - WebP Images on AMP (Accelerated mobile pages).
- - WebP Images for HTML tags style attribute background.
- - WebP Images for responsive images in PICTURE tag.
- - Gifsicle binary file for GIF included in WebP conversion. It works for cases when gifsicle is not installed on the server.
- - Code refactoring. Added API PHP Interfaces.
Version 2.0.10 (November 03, 2020)
- - Compatibility with Swissup_Lightboxpro extension.
- - Improved HTML parser.
- - MagicToolbox MagicZoomPlus extension does not work in Firefox when WebP is enabled.
Version 2.0.9 (September 27, 2020)
- - Improved compatibility with third-party MagicToolbox Magic Zoom extension for product media gallery.
- - Manual CLI conversion does not work on some Magento instances.
- - WebP conversion does not apply to third-party Mana_LayeredNavigationAjax extension.
Version 2.0.8 (August 26, 2020)
- - Better HTML parsing for WebP conversion
- - Improved compatibility with different image lazy load extensions
- - Improved notification message of invalid WebP PHP GD library on the extension configuration page
- - Fixed error during manual webp converting via command bin/magento magefan:webp:convert on some Magento versions
- - Some minor improvements
Version 2.0.7 (June 26, 2020)
- - Options to generate WebP images by cron
- - CLI command bin/magento magefan:webp:convert to convert all images to WebP from CLI
- - Convert Gif and animated Gif to WebP (gifsicle lib required on the server)
- - Fixed double image load (webp and jpg) on Safari
- - Code style improvements
Version 2.0.6 (June 3, 2020)
- - Make WebP work even on hostings that does not allow to enable WebP in PHP GD
- - Fixed some w3c validation warnings
- - Minor code improvements
Version 2.0.5 (May 18, 2020)
- - Added "no-webp" tag class for browsers that do not support WebP, that allows using WebP for CSS background images
- - Improved compatibility with Varnish (enabled WebP for esi blocks)
- - Improved compatibility with image lazy load extensions
- - Fixed MagicToolbox Magic Zoom Plus extension product thumbnail images issue on iPhone
- - Minor code improvements
Version 2.0.4 (April 18, 2020)
- - Compatibility with Magento Swatch Images
Version 2.0.3 (April 8, 2020)
- - Compatibility with MagicToolbox MagicZoomPlus extension
- - Compatibility with image lazy load extensions
- - Convert images for custom Ajax HTML requests
Version 2.0.2 (February 25, 2020)
- - Updated WebP image converter library
- - Fixed issue: product page gallery in Firefox and Edge display regular JPG instead of WebP
Version 2.0.1 (February 17, 2020)
- - Fixed issue: quality configuration option does not work