Website usability and navigation define how fast people can find what they came to your website for. Correspondingly, it doesn't matter how well your website is designed or how your content is structured if people can't filter through your product easily.

The faster it is to find a product in your catalog, the faster your can turn potential buyers into customers. 

Default Magento layered navigation helps a lot when it comes to filtering product attributes. However, it is still not enough to satisfy the needs of empowered shoppers. 

Today, you'll learn about the best Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extensions that exceed default Magento functionality and increase your conversion rates. 

All of these modules offer you stunning features you just can't get by.

So let's get right to it.

Top Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extensions

Vendor Extension Name Price Guarantees Rating
Mirasvit Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extension by Mirasvit $199.00
  • 100% Open Code
  • 30 Days Refund Policy
  • 1 Year Free Updates
  • 1 Year Free Support

5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

45 reviews

Plumrocket Magento 2 Layered Navigation by Plumrocket $149.00
  • 100% Open Code
  • 60 Days Refund Policy
  • 1 Year of Free Updates
  • 1 Year of Free Support

4.9 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

35 reviews

Aheadworks Layered Navigation for Magento 2 by Aheadworks $271.00
  • 100% Open Code
  • 30 Days Refund Policy
  • 30 Days Free Updates
  • 30 Days Free Support
  • Free Installation

5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

29 reviews

Amasty Layered Navigation for Magento 2 by Amasty $399.00
  • 100% Open Code
  • Support Subscription
  • 30 Days Refund Policy

4.9 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

84 reviews

Mageworx Layered Navigation for Magento 2 by Mageworx $99.00
  • 100% Open Code
  • 60 Days Refund Policy
  • 1 Year Free Support and Updates
  • Lifetime Access to Source Code

4.8 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

10 reviews

Mageplaza Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extension by Mageplaza $149.00
  • 100% Open Code
  • 60 Days Refund Policy
  • 365 Days Free Updates
  • 365 Days Free Support

5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

102 reviews

1. Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extension by Mirasvit

At the top of the best Layered Navigation extensions for Magento 2 is obviously the one from Mirasvit. You can not get enough of the features they offer. It seems this extension has everything you can ask for and even more.

It offers you to enable multiple filtering options for the same attribute, an option to select multiple filters at once, add convenient sliders and apply eye-catching images to attribute values

Mirasvit Layered Navigation

(Attribute multi-select in layered navigation - Mirasvit Demo)

What is more, the extension analyzes what filters are used more frequently and displays them at the top of the product list. You can offer your customers to filter through products by product attribute groups, sales, rating, availability, and new arrivals.

Mirasvit Layered Navigation module is a perfect option if you want to create custom brand pages, display brands in widgets, or enable a page with all products. No need to worry about the loading here. The module uses AJAX technology to optimize it. 

SEO-friendly URLs for Layered Navigation

(Layered navigation URLs configuration - Mirasvit Demo)

That's still not it.

Mirasvit extension for layered navigation in Magento covers your catalog from a product page SEO perspective too. It optimizes the URLs to make them human-readable and enables you to set canonical tags and search robots for layered navigation.

2. Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extension by Plumrocket

Another great option for product filtering is Plumrocket Layered Navigation. This extension works will all filter product attributes and custom options. It also allows you to customize the layered navigation bar, create custom filters, set the sort order, group filter attributes, and much more.

Magento Layered Navigation Plumrocket

(Layered navigation - Plumrocket Demo)

Powered with AJAX, this Layered Navigation module for Magento allows you to handle catalogs of any scale. The latest tests run by Plumrocket proved the extension's ability to work with 80.000+ product databases where 1200+ products are displayed per page

Isn't it stunning?

Besides, you can switch the layer navigation position from vertical to horizontal and set a separate set of filters for every page.

Same as the previous extension, Plumrocket enables their layered navigation with the advanced SEO settings to generate SEO-friendly URLs and unique meta tile&heading for better visibility in search.

SEO Setting for Layered Navigation

(Layered navigation SEO configuration - Plumrocket Demo)

3. Layered Navigation for Magento 2 by Aheadworks

Aheadworks did a great job to make their Layered Navigation module as user-friendly as possible. They highlight the intuitive design and customizable options. With this extension, you can allow customers to select single or multiple filters provided in different display modes: buttons, checkboxes, matches, text fields, etc.

Opportunities are limitless.

This module for layered navigation in Magento offers a convenient category tree option available on any catalog page. Your customers can reload a page after applying filters manually or you can improve their experience and show filtered products instantly, without reloading.

Magento Product Filter

(Product filters - Aheadworks Demo)

To improve customers' shopping experience and your catalog usability even more, you can hide attributes that are not available for filtering. Besides, you can hide or expand the layered navigation values in case there are too many attribute options.

In fact, it is more concise and practical when collapsed. Customers will find their way around it when they need to.

Finally, there are also useful SEO options to choose from. Almost the same as the ones mentioned before in other Layered Navigation extensions.

4. Layered Navigation for Magento 2 by Amasty

Once you scroll through their product page, you'll notice that the Layered Navigation by Amasty is very similar to the one of Mirasvit. They also pay close attention to the brands and filter usability options. However, there is a number of unique features we'd like to focus your attention on.

Except for a variety of filter display modes and attribute mapping options, you can enable the search box and a tooltip for every filter. It is extremely useful since allows customers to search for products not only globally but within a narrow group of products.

Layered Navigation in Magento 2

(Layered navigation - Amasty Demo)

The brand pages and widgets are not unique features. We've seen it before. However Amasty took it one level higher with their extensive configuration for brand pages.

You can configure the brand logo to be displayed on a product page together with the "More from this brand" block. What is more, you can arrange products on a brand page to promote the bestsellers. And if you don't sell brands, you can use any other attribute for the brand functionality.

Brands Page in Magento

(Brands page - Amasty Demo)

Finally, there is also a special place for the category trees in the Amasty module. They offer you different category filter display modes and subcategories slider widgets. Plenty of options yet to explore.

5. Layered Navigation extension for Magento 2 by Mageworx

Magento Layered Navigation by Mageworx is the next solution that allows you to improve your customers' experience. 

You can offer your customer to select one or multiple attributes, show specific attributes on certain categories, and enable a multi-select option for each attribute. Besides, you can define whether to collapse or expand the layered navigation filters. 

Magento Layered Navigation Settings

(Layered navigation setting - Mageworx Demo)

If you have some standard set of values you want to enable for filters you can use the "Freeze" mode and display those values by default. The other attribute values will be available under the "show more" link.

So basically, Mageworx Layered Navigation doesn't offer you anything we haven't discussed already which is why some might find it a little limited. However, it is still a great option for those who need to exceed the default Magento function and offer advanced filtering.

6. Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extension by Mageplaza

Finally last, but not least — the Mageplaza extension for Layered Navigation in Magento 2. You might think this one can't surprise you with anything since you've already heard about so many awesome features.

But the Mageplaxa module, in fact, has something unique to offer. 

We're not going to stop on a standard filtering option, every layered navigation module here offers.

Instead, let's talk about the high-end AJAX functionality. Except for the AJAX loading, which allows showing products instantly after the filter was applied, you can benefit from the AJAX search. This feature allows you to load search results in a dropdown after the first letter of the keyword was typed.

What is more, you can set the 10 most-viewed, bestselling or new products to be displayed when customers press on the search option. 

It is a great feature if you want to encourage more sales.

AJAX catalog search in Magento

(AJAX catalog search - Mageplaza Demo)

As you can see website usability and navigation are something you can't save up on. Same as customer experience. Layered Navigation for Magento 2 is a perfect option to improve browsing through your catalog and boost sales. All of the extensions of this list offer you a great set of features, so it's going to be a hard choice.

But let your customers' interests drive your decisions and you'll implement a solution that best suits their needs.