You often need to change the JavaScript code logic located in the .js file. The easiest way is to override the js file is by using a theme. You can learn how to override view files in the article about Overriding Magento 2 Storeftont Files. This is a quick but not an elegant way.

To change one or more js-file methods, use the mixins available in RequireJS.

To extend this file:


with the following code:

    function (
    ) {
'use strict';
        return Component.extend({
// ...
            method1: function() { /* some code */ },
            method2: function() { /* some code */ }
             // ...
        }); }

%area% - the area where the file is extended, for example: frontend, adminhtml, base. 

To override the method1,  you need to create basic module, and add the following 2 files to it:

1. requirejs-config.js

This is the RequireJS configuration file where the mixer is added. Create it in the module folder, with the following path:


and add this code:

var config = {
config: {
mixins: {
'VendorName_ModuleName/js/folder1/folder2/somefile' : {'My_Module/js/folder1/folder2/somefile-mixin':true}


2. The mixin somefile-mixin.js itself.

Save it in your module folder with this path:


and add the following code:

    function (
    ) {
'use strict';
        var mixin = {
            method1: function() { /* my code */ },
        return function (target) {
           return target.extend(mixin);

Once you save the changes don't forget to deploy static content by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy