Selling globally requires you to make your store environment as user-friendly as possible. One of the key factors to consider once you create multi-language website is the translation of all products to different languages.
To translate products in Magento you have to switch to each store view (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc.) and translate product information on a separate page. Then you have to manage and edit all of these products on different store views. It only makes product management more time-consuming and translation more tedious.
To solve this and to translate or edit attributes for multiple store views easily all you need is Magento 2 Translation Plus Extension.
Here we will show you how fast and easy it is to translate product attributes and edit them for multiple store views in Magento.
To translate and edit product attributes for multiple store views:
1. Navigate to Catalog > Products and select the product you'd like to edit or translate the attributes for.
2. Press the Translate button at the top menu right corner which appears once you install the Translation extension.
3. Edit and translate product attributes for each store view you see in the flyout menu.
4. Press the Save button (it saves the product) and check the changes on the storefront.
In case you want to edit or translate some particular product attribute, look for the Translate link. It is available under the product attributes that have the Per Store View values.
Once you press it you can edit or translate the selected value and Save it.
Isn't it faster?
There is no need to switch between store views trying to translate or edit product attributes. Translation Plus allows you to have the whole picture in front of you which makes editing and translation more concise and effective.
Check how it works on our translation live demo and see how handy it appears to be.