It may well be that our online catalogue is not updated yet. We have a vast network of ingredients, our supply chain team will be happy to entertain any ingrendient enquiry.
Good job guys! This theme rocks my socks off. Keep it free and happy coding!
PS. Also the extensions are very well coded, during updates no conflicts anymore.
Keep up the good work! Peaceout
Barry Batsbaak
dont install on fresh magento 2.4.6
There is an error in /var/www/clients/client13/web24/web/magento246/vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Patch/PatchRegistry.php at line: 141
call_user_func(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, class "Magefan\ThemeOptimized\Setup\Patch\Data\Theme_v_2_0_2" not found#0 /var/www/clients/client13/web24/web/magento246/vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Patch/PatchRegistry.php(141): call_user_func()
Magefan's reply:
Thank you for submitting this error. We've sent you a fix, which will be included in the next release of the theme.
Loris Menghi
Great theme, very fast!
This theme is very fast, in comparison to other themes.
It needed some work to customize, so we made a child theme for it.
Not much documentation for the customizations, other than the colors.
Support was very quick and helpful, so that was great!