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Magento 2 SEO Extension - All-in-One SEO Tool

Magento 2 SEO Extension is an all-in-one solution for your SEO needs. It improves your store positions in SERP, boosts ranking, increases traffic and optimizes website visibility in search.

Become an SEO expert with our automated solution. Get more targeted organic traffic to your website with the robust Magento 2 SEO tool that WORKS!

  • Eliminate duplicate content with canonical tags
  • Create SEO rules for metadata and custom robots
  • Improve internal linking with cross-links
  • Boost indexing with the XML and HTML sitemaps
  • Improve search visibility with rich snippets
  • Avoid 404 pages with auto redirects
  • Add hreflang tags to optimise for global search
  • Stand out in social media with OG tags and Twitter Cards
  • Buy now and get $9 cash back in reward points!

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Magento 2 SEO Extension
Add cross-links to different Magento pages
Create meta tags templates in Magento 2
Enable canonical tags in Magento 2
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Compatibility:Magento 2.3.0 - 2.4.7-p3 (CE, EE, ECE, B2B)
hyva compatible
Composer Package
Magento 2 SEO Extension

Improve SEO Automatically

Magento SEO is a complex concept. You need to learn, practice and monitor SEO constantly to get results.

But not with the Magefan SEO Extension for Magento.

It automates a lot of features like metadata, rich snippets, SEO rules or canonical tags without you having to do anything.

Automate Magento SEO and manage it from one place with little or no effort.

magento seo
Magento 2 SEO Suite Ultimate

Be Your Own SEO Expert

Different SEO-related tasks require different skills. So, you often need to hire a search engine optimisation agency or multiple experts to improve your rankings.

With the Magento SEO Extension, you can be your own SEO expert.

A comprehensive user guide, an intuitive interface and automation make sure of that.

Take care of the vital SEO-related features yourself and see that traffic grow.

Automate Metadata with SEO Rules

No need to go and set a meta title and description for each product, category, or CMS page with the Magento SEO Extension.

Use the SEO rules to set metadata and meta robots for multiple pages at once.

Just set a markup and the Magefan SEO solution will handle the rest.

SEO Templates for Products in Magento
change metadata for specific pages

Go Beyond Default Meta Templates

In default Magento you can’t optimise metadata for pages like HTML sitemap, brands, or pages with GET parameters.

Not unless you use our Magento 2 SEO Extension. There are no limits to the SEO rules you can create.

Remove pages from indexing, set custom metadata for HTML sitemap, optimise the meta description for brands page, etc.

Opportunities are limitless with advanced SEO rules.

Say NO Duplicate Content

The variety of pages on your website is great only if these pages are different.

Pages with similar content can be recognised as duplicate content and removed from SERP altogether.

Magento SEO Extension helps you to avoid this with canonical tags.

Just enable a few options and it will add canonical tags for products, categories, CMS, blogs, and other relevant pages automatically.

magento 2 canonical tags
set custom canonical tags magento 2

Set Custom Canonical Tags

While you can enable canonical tags for different pages of your store, sometimes you want to change them.

Use Magento 2 SEO Rules to define custom canonical tags for specific pages or to override existing canonical tags.

Just set a few options and check the results. We make Magento SEO simple!

Dominate search results

Stay steps ahead in the digital race and skyrocket your online presence

Stand Out in Search Results

While meta titles and descriptions drive attention, they don’t necessarily drive a click. You need more than that.

Provide all vital information right in search results with structured data or rich snippets.

Display availability, price, reviews, ratings, breadcrumbs, and organization snippets with Magento 2 SEO Extension.

Just a few clicks and you have your pages optimized for better website visibility.

magento structured data
magento cross links

Improve Internal Linking with Cross Links

Crosslinks help search crawlers understand your website structure better. They also spread the link juice among the most important pages of your store.

Use Magento SEO Extension to cross-link different pages in a matter of seconds. Add links to:

  • - Product short description
  • - Product description
  • - Product attributes
  • - Category description
  • - CMS page
  • - CMS block
  • - Magefan Blog post content
  • - Custom blocks

Choose What Gets Indexed and What Doesn’t

Meta robots help you to define what pages need to be indexed and which don’t. Usually, you provide these instructions in the robots.txt file.

Magento 2 SEO Extension has a simpler way.

Configure SEO rules to set/change meta robots for one or multiple pages at once. All directly from the admin panel.

Make sure Google indexes only those pages you tell it to.

custom meta tobots magento
enable google preview for magento

Preview Pages in Google Search Results

While your meta titles and descriptions need to call for action they also need to be optimized for SEO.

Magento 2 SEO Extension ensures you won’t exceed the metadata characters limits.

It highlights the titles and descriptions that go over the recommended threshold.

So you can see how a page will appear in search results through the Google Preview.

Improve Crawlability and Indexing with Sitemaps

The faster search robots discover new pages on your website, the faster they appear on Google.

In Magento 2 SEO Extension two things contribute to that — XML and HTML sitemaps.

Generate XML sitemap automatically on schedule. Create an HTML sitemap with all of your store pages.

Improve your website navigation for both — customers and search crawlers — for better website indexing.

xml and html sitemap in magento
magento category pagination and permalinks

Maintain “Heathier” URLs

It’s little things that usually have the greatest impact on the visibility of those pages in search results.

That’s why Magento 2 SEO Extension pays attention to the tiniest details like URL structure and pagination.

SEO-friendly permalinks — for imported products and categories or list synchronization in the catalogue.

Advanced category pagination — to use rel=”next” and rel=”prev”, page number in a canonical tag/meta title, and display a description and CMS blocks on pagination pages.

Automate Website Redirects

The simpler your website structure, the easier it is for web crawlers to discover, crawl, and index your store.

This applies to both URL structure and disabled/deleted pages.

Maintain a “healthy” URL architecture with the Magento 2 SEO Extension.

Enable automatic redirects to canonical URLs from products, categories and homepage. Avoid 404 pages the same way. All you need is just a few clicks!

magento 2 automatic redirects

Make sure it's a good match!

Uncertain whether the Magento 2 SEO Extension has all the features you're looking for, or if it aligns with your goals?

automatic redirect rules magento

Avoid 404 Pages At All Costs

No matter how hard you try to avoid 404 pages, they never stop appearing. You make a typo when editing URLs or someone makes a mistake when linking to your website.

While you can’t get rid of 404 once and for all you can learn to deal with them more efficiently.

No need to spend hours creating 301 redirects.

Simply create the redirect rules and let our Magento SEO solution create redirects on autopilot.

Optimize Your Website for Social Media

Although the majority of the traffic is from search engines, a significant part of it still comes from social media.

What works for Google, doesn’t necessarily work for Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks.

Make your store pages attractive in social media with the Magento 2 SEO Extension.

Add open graph tags and Twitter cards to product, category, CMS, and blog pages to increase traffic to your website.

Social Media Tags in Magento 2
Magento 2 Hreflang Tags

Connect Pages with Hreflang Tags

Do you have multiple languages on your store with separate pages for each of them? Notify search engines about it.

Use Magento SEO solution to set hreflang tags for each page of your store.

Makes your traffic more targeted and helps Google display localized results for your potential customers in search.

Optimize Meta Keywords

Take one step further to optimize Magento SEO keywords with a unique Magento 2 SEO Extension feature.

Display keywords in HEAD and add them to the bottom of the page within the "People Also Searched For" section.

It helps your page rank for more keywords and your website visitors — to find your store faster.

Meta Keywords Optimization
Magento 2 Robot Meta Tags

Display Content on Google Better

Getting to the top of the SERP page is good, but getting into Google featured snippets is even better.

Our Magento 2 SEO module takes care of that.

Get more control over how your content is displayed in search. Guide search crawlers on how you want your content to be pulled out in search.

Simply define the max-snippet, max-image-preview, and max-video-preview robots in the admin panel.

Is Magento good for SEO?
Magento is one of the most SEO-optimized platform for eCommerce since your have a full control over robots.txt, sitemap, metadata, redirects, etc. Besides, it is completely customizable so you can implement any Magento SEO extension or feature for better results and traffic.
Can I install your Magento 2 SEO Extension via the composer?
Yes, all our modules can be installed via the composer. Once you purchase the extension, you receive keys to the private Magefan composer repository. The composer installation commands are available in your account ("My Downloads" section).
Do you offer installation for this extension?
Each Magefan extension comes with the extension files and installation guides. The installation service is not included in the extension price. You can purchase it separately.
Does this extension come with free support and updates?
After you purchase the extension, you get 365 days of free updates and free support. You also keep the source code of the latest version released during these 365 days.

Yet, if you'd still like to update after 365 days pass, you can renew access to updates and support for 50% of the extension's price. Find more in our license agreement.

Do you offer any discounts?
If no sale is running currently, you can get a discount by subscribing to our newsletter or leaving a review for any of the extensions you already use.
How many websites can I use Magefan extensions on?
According to our license agreement you can use one extension license on one live Magento instance and multiple stage, dev and test instances.

This means the extension will work on all websites within one Magento admin panel. At the same time, you don’t need a license key to use the extension on stage, dev or test websites.

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Great Job from Magefan team, Including all necessary options, for a great SEO score site-building.

By Zoltán Komár
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