Cart abandonment is one of the eCommerce issues a lot of merchants struggle with. Same as in any other online store, people might leave their shopping carts for reasons you'd never guess.

Still, it is something you have to deal with to improve sales and encourage people to finalize the order. Magento persistent shopping cart is one of the multiple ways you should explore to reduce cart abandonment in your store.

In this guide, you'll learn what it is and how to configure it for your benefit.

What is Magento Persistent Shopping Cart?

A persistent shopping cart in Magento is almost the same as a regular Magento shopping cart. However, the persistent cart can store products customers added to the cart for a period specified in the configuration, up to one year.

The persistent cookie remains active even after the session cookies expire. This allows keeping track of the cart items after customers sign out of your website.

Moreover, persistent shopping carts follow the customer ID which enables it to synchronize the shopping cart on different devices accordingly.

Note: it is important to note that customers should allow the cookies in their browser for the persistent shopping cart to work.

How to Configure Persistent Shopping Cart?

  1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Customers > Persistent Shopping Cart and Enable it.
  2. Set the Persistence Lifetime (seconds) with account for the length of time the persistent cookie will be valid.
  3. Enable the "Remember Me" checkbox so it is added to the login page and allows customers to save their information. If you disable it, persistence will still be enabled, customers just won't be provided an option to save their information.
  4. Set the "Remember Me" Default Value option to Yes, so all customers have to do is deselect this option if they don't want to save the information.
  5. Enable the Clear Persistence on Sign Out option if you want to clear the shopping cart after a registered customer logs out. Otherwise, select No, and the shopping cart will be saved even if the customer logs out.
  6. Disable the Persist Shopping Cart option if you don't want to preserve the cart after the session cookie expiration. Or enable it if you want persistent cookies to be preserved after the session cookie expires.

Magento Persistent Shopping Cart

Don't forget to Save Config once you finish so the persistent shopping cart starts to yield the results.

Your customers will definitely appreciate the effort.

A persistent shopping cart saves them from searching and comparing products again after they come back, be it a month, half a year, or a year. Win customers by providing the best shopping experience. That's what makes you stand out.